Tube rolling thread | UltraSonic Studios
May 17, 2024 at 2:55 PM Post #3,677 of 3,741
Anyway, while appreciating the effort of Kerry to bring us some new stuff, it fails at least on "Everything I hate about you" where he desperately tries to be Slayer but you know... Slayer is Slayer guys.


When you listen to the old catalogue of Slayer you understand it cannot be surpassed. I like that Kerry tries but well... :)
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May 18, 2024 at 2:33 AM Post #3,678 of 3,741
Ok, let's leave mr. King do his stuff, he is not a king in what is he doing, and let's do our stuff. I tried in the past some 6AT6 and from what I remember I said these are not properly working in Eternity. But I never tried again from that point in time. 6AT6 is for me a kind of half of 12AT7 and I always wanted to try some high-mu single triodes. It has also 2 diodes inside but I plan to use only the triode. First I had to find adapters and the tubes themselves. Not easy.

tubes and adapters.jpg

But after that, checking them was easy. These were NOS NIB as everyone likes because nobody really follows 6AT6. All run for 12AT7.


6AT6 was also input on Oblivion, I know that Tomas released 2 versions of Oblivion, one with 6AT6 and another with 6AV6.

Ok, I decided to put these at 2mA, even if Eternity is designed in input for 3-5mA I can go a little bit lower. Grid voltage is around -0.6V for 3mA from these so I had to go a little bit more to decrease current to the value I wanted.


And now it works, I have no idea what went wrong the last time. The problem with these is 0.5W. So 2mA at 180V should keep me safe, I hope. Low current high-mu tube, my next amp should have a better way to bias these hopefully. Soundwise it is a little bit sterile, not too much tube flavour, but sounds fast and decently transparent. I am unsure if I will keep these as a daily input tube but I am glad I tried them again and they worked.

The tube looks quite interesting:


So the input stage in Eternity at around 2mA. I have not tried this too often. Seems to work.


Now, I see that these 6AT6 bias like the 12AX7, the 12AT7 were around -2V for 4mA. It is true I hear a small hum, but nothing to make me not enjoy these, sometimes this happens at very high mu tubes.
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May 18, 2024 at 3:01 AM Post #3,679 of 3,741
But the success with the Fivre 6AT6 and the small disappointment that they sounded more sterile than I have expected led me to remember that I have somewhere another type of these, bought at the same time and never tried because something went wrong with Fivre. I had to struggle a little bit to search in boxes but well, here we are, Marconi CV452. Boxes are no fun but ... the sound is. And I love those small brown supports for tubes. Classy.


I have 5 pieces of these so I tried to pair them, but after this things went smooth on Eternity. Around the same bias, these being an idea stronger. So around -0.8V for around 2.5mA. I think I am safe here with the plate dissipation limit.


The tube again looks very nice:


And the sound. WOW! No joke, these are much better than Fivres, more musical and full bodied. DH77, Marconi. I have to dig a little bit to find more about Marconi because I have quite ignored them. Excellent sound. I love it!

This is the life when you have a few square meters of tubes, everyday is Christmas, if you can remember where you have put them. Of course, unknown tube types, not the ones audiophiles are searching and paying hundreds. And I have not started with stuff bought bulk about which I do not know anything, I have some strange tubes around I never tried to discover, those will be for my next amplifier because some of them cannot be used in Eternity.

This sounds so good that I am blown away. Marconi DH77 CV 452 FTW! I have only 5 pieces? Give me a box!
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May 18, 2024 at 3:07 AM Post #3,680 of 3,741
What were you doing in October 1951? Marconi was releasing this datasheet:


I know for sure what I was doing because my mother was not born at that point in time. LOL

But what I cannot see in this datasheet is the power dissipation, I guess I am forcing these at 2.5mA? I decreased them to 2mA just in case. I plan to use these more because they sound exceptional, so I have to educate myself how to use them properly. Typical operation 1mA, it would be good to have an amp to properly bias these low current high mu. They have enormous potential and nobody cares about them.
May 18, 2024 at 3:26 AM Post #3,681 of 3,741
It seems GEC produced some DH77 and well, they are not good because they do not cost a fortune. LOL


But this is the same as mine, at least from what I see in the photos. Ah, GEC, this is why this sounds so good. Now I remember that Marconi/GEC were similar stuff. Marconi/Osram. MOV. Written on my boxes, ah ok, now we're talking. I neglected this zone a lot going for the Philips old red series but the GEC high-mu sound quite good because they have more energy than the lower gain ones. This is also why I like the GEC A2900.

Hmm, no power dissipation or anything here:


PS. Do not think these fight in the same league as red series, no, but they sound incredibly good for the price. GEC class quality.
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May 18, 2024 at 3:45 AM Post #3,682 of 3,741
And let's put a nice photo of the Marconi/GEC 6AT6 (CV452) with Philips 4654. Top class sound. High mu, single triodes, sharp neutral presentation with a touch of warmth.


They do not share the richness of the Philips red series but they fight in the top of my 3rd league of tubes, the common ones. Very good sound at a bargain price, if you can bias and use these. A2900 class sound, if you know that one, some claim it is the "king" of the 12AT7 range. They are veiled like many of the british tubes but input tubes in my amplifier do not have such a big impact on signature and high gain masks a little bit the veil. So well, I can ignore it and claim these are good. Do not buy them, are cheap and we know that good tubes are costing hundreds, are delivered in wooden boxes and of course, have to be famous.
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May 18, 2024 at 6:28 AM Post #3,684 of 3,741
I was thinking a little bit about DH77 and why I like the triode section of a double-diode triode like 6AT6. You know, I have a few "top class" 12AT7. I have a GEC A2900, a Telefunken ECC801S, some others not so well known. One of these ones I like the most is a Herleen made 12AT7 which is old, one of the first generations, but sounds spectacular. But 12AT7 or 12AU7 are extemelly expensive. People pay hundreds on them and this is without reason. Hundreds of tubes have high gain and decent specs to provide a valid alternative. For example yesterday I was looking at EABC80. In my amplifier higher gain input tubes provide energy, and I like energy in rock music, so the single triodes with high-mu are one of my priorities. When people found about 6J5 which is a half of an 6SN7 they preferred it, and it was much cheaper, so we also have to look into 6AT6 as a half of an 12AT/X7 and why not, make smarter purchases.
May 18, 2024 at 7:23 AM Post #3,685 of 3,741
When I was a kid I was a huge Iron Maiden fan. You know, those big bands with big shows where you were dreaming to be a part of. My first Iron Maiden record was Fear of the Dark. It was the last album with Bruce Dickinson from the first era and the start for Blaze Bayley. Later I have discovered the whole discography and this changed my life and also the life of my best friends. I still consider Seventh Son of a Seventh Son one of the absolute best heavy metal albums. This has no age guys. And I still follow Blaze, a very good guy from the scene which provides constant value. I love you Blaze, do what you do, we are here to listen.


Infinite dreams was my all time favourite for decades. But when I hear Bruce on Moonchild I feel I am young. Iron Maiden has no age guys.
May 18, 2024 at 1:10 PM Post #3,686 of 3,741
After 10 hours DH77 or 6AT6, as most people know them, they sound better and better. Good find, but soon I'll have to return to the red series and continue my journey.


I have said yesterday that I prefer A-code tubes. It is right. When I first encounter them, like everyone, in the EL3N made by WIRAG and bought from the "classic" shop in Holland where they had the correct price, I considered them grainy, EL3N on output does not a great job because it lacks power and sounds small. If you put the WIRAG signature on top you will find that they are not the thing to look to. But WIRAG A-code have potential on input to add some focus and sharpness. I look forward to some A-code EF6 or why not, ECH35, a follower of the ECH3 I was testing here recently.

PS. Ah, a good moment to change from Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark to Somewhere in Time. I am always somewhere in time so this is a smart choice. LOL
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May 18, 2024 at 2:15 PM Post #3,687 of 3,741
And something pure speculative. Forget that you have read this. I always seem to prefer and find better sounding tubes without rounded corners on glass. I know, I laugh myself about writing this but well. Let's show a photo.


You can see that the 4654 has a flat top glass while 4654K is somehow rounded. Both metal base, both flat ring getter. Somehow I like more the flat top glass one. It is similar to the 4689 glass and I love those tubes. The 4689 are similar with early pairs of metal base EL34. A very special tube I love a lot.

Ok, forget this post but I wanted to say that without reason I somehow prefer some tubes with a specific glass type. For sure nothing real, never pay 1 cent for this.
May 18, 2024 at 3:33 PM Post #3,688 of 3,741
This is the album no one speaks about. All love or hate the others. In my case it is a strong one. At least Tailgunner is a very strong song, but of course many are very good.


Yeap, I know I have become a serial poster. No problem, Iron Maiden deserves it.

PS. Everyone who knows "Jimmy the reptile" is cool!
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May 18, 2024 at 3:59 PM Post #3,689 of 3,741
Going to the CD wall did not help, found a few of the newer stuff and WASP. I love wasp so why not, let's listen to it.


I have a special section for heavy metal and the rest goes for more brutal stuff like death metal or black metal.
May 18, 2024 at 4:09 PM Post #3,690 of 3,741
What WASP has done in The Crimson Idol is pure symphony. That album goes much beyond any heavy metal album has gone. It is a story beyond time. WASP has no age, it is pure gold guys.


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