Reviews by hokagoteatimereviews


New Head-Fier
A killer feature which sets these apart
Pros: 1. The graphite colour I got for review is really nice, much better than black and white colour.

2. The ANC is on par with the Sony & Bose

3. They frequently go on sale for around $210-250

4. The overall sound is really good

5. They sound much much much better than the Sony and Bose

6. The monster battery life of 60 hours with ANC on!!

7. The app is very easy to use

8. Gives access to all the controls

9. Very comfortable to wear
Cons: 1. The headphones don't completely fold (although that does improve the reliability for longer usage)

2. The earpads touch my ears (more of a me issue, but still)

3. Soundstage lacking (Although those who like the in your head sound will love these)


I am very excited to review my first Sennheiser product today. This is the Momentum 4 from them its a ANC headphone which competes with the likes of Sony XM5 and Bose QC line up. So how are they? Lets find out

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

These are a loaner unit from Sennheiser and a huge thanks to them, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy them here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Amazon (Most countries) -

Sennheiser Website (Most Countries) -

Also please do an online search for dealers in your country, for a better deal

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!



1. Everyone is aware of the Sennheiser wired headphones and their legendary status. But the momentum wireless headphone series has been quite popular too.

2. These apparently make a good balance between being consumer friendly while also sounding good. Atleast that's what I have seen from some reviews. Lets dive deep and find out

3. The price of the Momentum 4 is $379 which is the MSRP but they can be always be found on sale, sometimes for as low as $240 new.


See the lowest price in Amazon USA, although it might vary depending on region and when you buy

4. The unboxing experience is very simple. Everything is located inside the main headphone case.

5. I got this fantastic graphite colour, which is probably my favourite colour as I didn’t really like the white colour and the black colour of the headphones feels a bit cheap and flimsy. The graphite colour looks quite posh while also rejecting the fingerprints really well. Good job Sennheiser with this fantastic colour!

6. It comes with a fantastic hard case, the headphones, an analog cable which terminates to 3.5mm, aeroplane audio adapter, usb-c charging cable

7. They are very neatly organized inside the case and they have their own spot which I like

8. The upper portion of the headband has this fabric finish something akin to the case, which makes it feel very premium.


9. The earcups and the headband is made out of this pleather material which has a good amount of memory

10. The entire build of the momentum is made out of plastic to keep it light, but the plastic is of good quality and it does feel cheap or flimsy unlike the Sony or Bose. Although the momentum 4 is tad bit heavier than the rest,but I have had no issues with it

11. The fit is really good! Once you set the size of the headband. It seals really well

12. Although sometimes my ears does do touch the inside, which is a nitpick since my ears are quite large.

13. There is one minor con I have come across is when I set the headband to the size of my head for wearing when I try to put the headphones back in the case they don’t fit, I have to bring them back to their original position for putting them in. So again when I wear them later I have to set my headband size again.

14. The headphones also don’t fold inside like the bose headphones. This is a con for it having a larger footprint, but this is also a pro as it has less moving joints it is very less prone to breaking over the period of time

15. If you place the headphone inside the case it automatically switches off. Alternatively it also has an auto turn off feature which you can set from the app.

16. It also has an auto turn on feature where in if you twist open the headphones they turn on and connects to the last connected device. Which is a really awesome feature, and I found it using more times than I could think of.


17. The momentum 4 can be used via bluetooth, the included analog cable and any usb c cable which supports data.

18. Now to change the settings or eq of the headphone you have to connect via bluetooth. But after that all the settings are saved inside the headphones.

19. One cool thing is they sound really good of the analog cable and the settings you saved inside the dac of the headphones is still applicable via the analog cable. And if your headphone has battery left then the anc can be used. I feel the bass is a bit crisper and tighter and the overall sound has a better resolution when played via wired mode.

20. Without the battery when played through the analog cable they sound really bad as the DSP setting isnt working. But this shouldn’t matter more for what I am going to say next.

20. Now for the killer feature! The momentum 4 can be used by wire via the usb c port. Now doing so the headphones can simulteanously transfer audio + microphone input + it charges the headphones from the source device + ANC also works!

21. This is a feature I absolutely love!! If my battery was dead I could easily use a usb c cable and get all these features. This is my favourite thing of the momentum 4’s. Also just like the analog mode I feel the bass is a bit crisper and tighter and the overall sound has a better resolution when played via usb-c wired mode.

22. The battery life of sennheiser is around 60 hours with ANC! Which is a crazy number to achieve, and yes in my very long testing I got around 58 hours and some change. I played it in the aac codec with around 30% volume.

23. It also has a fast charge feature which gives you 6 hours of playback with 10 minutes of charge. And the full charge takes north of 1 hour

24. Sadly the momentum’s don’t have a anc off state rather it has complete anc or complete transparency and in between you have a middle ground which lets in some sound. I would really appreciate if Sennheiser via an update gave me an option for that, that would extend the battery even further.

25. I will leave a screenshot of the touch controls so you can pause and read it, thankfully it gives control over everything. But one minor con is that its all located on the right side, although the controls are fairly intuitive so you shouldn’t be having an issue learning them.


27. The right earcup has the power on/off button which is also a pairing button. Led indicator for how much battery is left and also the usb c port along with the 2.5mm analog port

28. Now talking about the ANC and transparency these perform really well! But the Sony and Bose edges them out by a bit in both aspects. Both Sony and bose do very well with blocking the high frequencies and also peoples voices. One thing which the momentum 4’s does very well when in ANC is that there is no EQ shift when the ANC is on, which is really awesome.

29. If I had to give an arbitrary number for both ANC and transparency then the Sony and Bose would be a 9/10 while the Sennheiser would be a 8/10. Now in no way is the Sennheiser bad, its infact very good. But its just that there are two headphones out there which performs really good in these aspects

30. I had no issues with the Bluetooth 5.2 momentum 4 when it came to range.

31. It doesn’t have LDAC, but rather supports APTX adaptive, APTX HD along with the AAC, SBC. Which I personally prefer in headphones geared towards a general consumer.


32. The aptx codec gives you a versatility by balancing the act between sounding good, low latency and giving you a good range.

33. I have read online that there have been connection issues particularly with windows PC, but I personally haven't had any issues at all.

33. It can connect upto two devices which is really nice, and you don’t need the app for that to work

34. You can also disable the touch controls if you so wish from within the apparently

35. These also have in-ear detection for play/pause which is nice and as usual can be toggled via the apparently

36. I will show some screenshots from the app, so that you can see how the app is like. Most of the settings are pretty self explanatory



37. The Sennheiser app has a sound personalisation feature which sadly requires you to make an account and login. Which again I am not a big fan of.

38. For me this sound personalisation didn’t sound that good, and rather gave me a heap of treble and made the sound very muffle so I decided not to use that.

39. As for sound I did use a little bit of eq. Because I found one small con with the out of the box sound is that the treble at around 8k or 10k region is a bit too peaky and in many songs specially instrumentals they pricked my ears so I toned a tad bit here.

40. Also while I found the stock bass to be plenty in quantity, I felt that it lacked a bit of that biteness and crispness of the bass so I increased the bass tad bit.

41. Check the EQ I did from the app, and this is saved inside the headphone. This minor eq makes it sound a lot better in my opinion.


42. Now talking about sound, the testing is done with the slight eq I showed and the headphone’s firmware is up to date as of the review

43. The overall sound is very consumer friendly and I can call it V-shaped

44. With the eq the sub-bass has very good rumble and very texture. In songs like Hollow 16-bit remix by Bjork it sounded exactly like I would have liked.

45. While without the EQ it sounded a bit lifeless and it felt like the bass was just there and it didn’t do much.

46. The mid-bass was really good, there is a slight bleed into the mid-range which depending on the song you listen to it might sound good. My Eq does help it a bit over here in sounding a tad bit controlled

47. Without the EQ again it sounded a bit meh and instruments sounded very 1 dimensional

49. But after the EQ there was very good instrument separation and the tonality of the instruments sounded very correct. My test album of 1985 live album by Cassiopea sounded really fun and engaging here.


50. Both the Male vocals and female vocals are very good and surprisingly strike a very good balance.

51. Male vocals like Chris Cornell and Bill Withers sound really good and the richness in their voice comes across very well. While female vocals sound quite apt, for some who is used to female vocals from harman tuned iems they might find a bit lacking.

52. Treble too is very good and has very good extension. My test tracks performed very well over here

53. In some treble heavy songs without the EQ it can became too peaky or shrilly over here, but with the EQ it stays well under my personal comfort level.

54. Now coming to soundstage, here is the one thing I think the momentum 4’s lack. As they don’t sound that wide and spacious and it gets hard to pinpoint instruments and details specially during a live song like the 1985 Cassiopea Live album

55. But fret not, as this lack of soundstage is a good thing. Why? Well because there is a significant chunk of viewers/Readers who prefer the cramped not so wide and in your head sound. So for them this is very good!

56. Coming to technicalities I would say these perform quite good and exceeded my expectations. Although when there is a lot going on in a song it sounds a bit jumbled up and it could sound a bit messy. Now again for the tuning and consumer this is targetting this is a nitpick, but I still though of mentioning it.

57. For gaming specially occasional FPS these are quite Ok and as such don’t causes any issues. But if you play without the EQ the treble peak I spoke about before could be too much in busy sequences.

58. Now talking about some general minor cons

59. The momentum 4’s as of now don’t respect the absolute volume in android devices. I have contacted Sennheiser support so many times but I haven't heard from them. The absolute volume is a really nice feature that helps in fine tuning the volume. Now this could easily be fixed with an update.

60. One more serious issue which I want to address is that with Sennheiser headphones it has some battery issues. There has been a lot of battery issues where after few months of usage they just stop working. Now for my testing period nothing has happened, but if Sennheiser allows me keep to this headphone for a longer period of time I will surely be testing the battery out and report after 6 months and 1 year to see how the reliability is and if there exists any issues or not.


61. I will be giving the mic test now via bluetooth mode. These have a real cool feature where your own voice is fed to you which gives you a more natural sense when talking. Have a listen to the mic (Please check my youtube video for the mic test its given 13:24)

61. Overall I think its a really good headphones for daily usage specially with the Very good ANC and the very dynamic sound which plays very well with genres like pop, rock, rap, hip hop while also being quite good with other genres along with the almost unbeatable battery life.

62. The intuitive controls along with the simple and functional app also plays a big part for me in whole heartedly recommending it.

63. Now if you get lucky and get them in sale for around $240 or 250. I think get a fantastic headphone.

64. So that is my review of the momentum 4’s, If you have any question please do comment below. I hope you have a great day ahead, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Sennheiser for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)
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Bahnhof Zoo
Nice review but I would somewhat disagree on your soundstage assessment. For a closed back it seems very wide to me. I listen to some Dolby remixes and it really shines but even with a good stereo recording to m4 does have a decent width to it.
Hello, thanks for the kind words. 🙂 I really appreciate it

Yeah I sort of agree on the soundstage, one thing I forgot to mention is that I dont use much headphones at all. This is like my only 4th headphone personally using it. 😅

So I don't really have a good gauge on what's a good soundstage for closed back headphone. I guess i compared them to similarly priced iems here.

Sorry for the confusion.


New Head-Fier
The cheaper one is better?
Pros: 1. The overall sound quality is fantastic for the price!

2. My best under $100 pick as of now due to the overall offering

3. The cable supplied is really soft and supple

4. Great build quality

5. The bass compared to other simgot iem's is really good (Check my full review for the small mod I mention)

6. It beats out the more expensive EA1000 in my opinion

7. The case is fantastic, great for carrying your dongle DAC

8. Plays most genres very well!
Cons: 1. The iem is very very scratch prone

2. Lack of foam tips and maybe a different set of silicone tips should have been included (Probably a nitpick for the price point)


Simgot has done it again, I don’t know how they do this. Its the EA500LM today in for review today.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

Before I start the review I want to say that these are a review unit from Simgot and a huge thanks to them, but all the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Linsoul Aliexpress -

DD Audio Store Aliexpress -

Linsoul Website -

Amazon USA -

Amazon UK -

Amazon Germany -

Amazon Spain -

Amazon France -çable/dp/B0CSJQDXCD

Amazon Canada -

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!


Build, Comfort and Accessories:-

1. The overall packaging is really good

2. I really like the outside box, it has this nice trippy art.

3. Inside the package it has the iem, the really good 2 pin cable, the fantastic case, 3 set of nozzles, spare silicon rings and one set of silicon tips.


4. I personally would have liked a set of foam tips.

5. There is no driver flex here

6. There are really comfortable and I can wear them for hours without any issues.

7. The iem has this mirrored finish which gets scratched really easily and although it looks nice and premium I don’t like it.

Sound Impressions:-

1. The overall sound signature is quite harman where in the upper mids and mid-treble is subdued a bit

2. While also giving the mid-bass a bit of an oomph

3. I really like the stock sound coming out of this.


4. I will be using the stock gold nozzle when it comes to these, but I will be suggesting a small mod for these.

5. I would suggest that you take the foam of from the silver/black nozzle and put it inside the gold nozzle.

6. Compact the initial foam inside the nozzle a bit and then shove this foam

7. This way the treble which can get a bit peaky in some songs is subdued a bit and the bass sounds more in tone with the treble here.

8. This free mod is really quite easy to do and changes the stock sound by a tad bit.

9. I will be using all the stock accessories for my review, except the minor mod I did

10. Also I have used my usual set of dacs for my review.

11. These also play really well as a low volume set, which is a thing I like.


1. The overall bass is really good!

2. The sub-bass is really good and has sense of rumble and texture over here

3. When listening to crack crack crackle by classy it has the right amount of bass texture and quantity

4. The bass feels really clean and detailed here

5. The mid-bass too performs really well in tandem with the sub-bass

6. The Mid-bass though in some songs could be bit lifeless, this is specially apparent when listening to the OST from Ping Pong anime.

7. But the overall bass response is really good



1. The instruments form the 1985 live album by cassiopea is done really well

2. It has this touch of thickness which is basically the oomph in mid-bass I mentioned previously

3. The instruments sounds good and has the correct tone and timbre

4. Now coming to male vocals they sound a bit behind the overall sound, although for the price they are quite good

5. Male vocals like Chris Cornell and Bill Withers while they don’t sound the absolute best, they are still quite apt.

6. The Female vocals is where it is done perfectly! They are not too shouty at all but they still sound very lively

7. Songs like Hanawa Sakura by ikkimonogakari sound very well controlled while giving me the lively feeling of the female vocals


1. The overall treble is much much better than the simgot house sound here

2. I think so simgot listened here to the feedback and they cut back on the peaky harsh treble they had on their previous iem’s

3. There is a decent amount of treble extension here

4. The treble for me has the perfect amount of airiness and it performs really well.


Soundstage, Technicalities and Imaging:-

The soundstage of the ea500lm is fantastic! I am surprised how an under $100 iem can perform so well. Listening to live songs was a really nice treat over here. The Soundstage has equal amounts of depth and width

It has very good technicalities it hits way above its price point. I could call this a benchmark for the under $100 or even Under $150

Imaging too is really good and it performs really with the exceptional soundstage. The right to left and vice versa transition was really good!

Gaming Test:-

Well it having a fantastic soundstage and imaging fares really well for it being a gaming iem. Even in a situation where lot is happening it maintains its composure and everything sounds well under controlled!


Comparison and Recommendation:-

1. v/s The Geekwold Gk20 – The Gk20 is a lean sounding iem and the ea500lm is an all rounder iem. I think so for most people the ea500lm is the better deal, although if you want a better treble then the GK20 is better

2. v/s Simgot EM6L – Well I think so the ea500lm clearly wins it here, because the bass in em6l is a bit blunt and flabby while in ea500lm it is very tactile and punchy. Also the dynamic presentation of the EA500LM comes across really well than the em6l

3. v/s Simgot EA1000 – Now this is the surprising part. In Every aspect I feel that the Ea500LM is much better than the EA1000. EA1000 is tad bit better than the EA500LM in terms of treble. But is it worth the double the price? No! Also surprisingly the soundstage and imaging is much better here in the cheaper and younger EA500LM than in the EA1000!

4. v/s Simgot EW200 – Well what can I say, this is an upgrade in every sense. So If you are planning to buy the EW200 or are looking for iems around the $50 range, I suggest saving a bit and buying the EA500LM instead.

4. So what do I think of the EA500LM, well I think simgot has done a fantastic job and for the price I think its one of the default recommendation

5. If you do get it, please do try the simple free mod I suggested. That really helps the overall signature a lot

6. I think so with the IFI Go Blu and EA500LM makes fantastic pair!

7. Another fantastic pair I can think of is the Simgot DEW4X which sounds really good!

8. Sorry for gushing about this, as I think these sound really good and I was surprised that these sounded even better than the EA1000 which is double the price.

9. So that is my review of the Simgot EA500LM, If you have any question please do comment below. I hope you have a great day ahead, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Simgot for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)


New Head-Fier
Jack of all trades master of none
Pros: 1. Great overall sound for its price point

2. Will please both the bass or treble liking audience, as it does a great job at balancing the sound

3. Fantastic fit!

4. Beautiful cable

5. Modular Cable is really good

6. The iems is very light so vert easy to wear for long periods of time

7. Plays almost all genres very well

8. In a sea of Harman tuned iems this seems like a fresh breath of air
Cons: 1. The selection of tips could have been a bit better

2. A tad bit more bass would have been nice specially for some pop songs and instrumentals


Hey guys, today I have the Lethsuoer Cadenza 4 with me. This is the budget version of their flagship iem the Cadenza 12.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from letshuoer but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Letshuoer Store -

Amazon USA -

Letshuoer Aliexpress -

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!


Build, Comfort and Accessories:-

1. The overall packaging of the Cadenza 4 is exactly as same as the S15, I will show a picture so you get an idea.


2. The iem is this 3d printed plastic which has the same texture as the fantastic case.

3. It has only 2 types of tips one for vocal and one balanced, for my testing I have used the balanced tips

4. The cable is modular and is really supple and is better than the S15 cable in my opinion. The cable also has very minor microphonics

5. The iem is built very well, and the outer face plate is made out of aluminium

6. The fit is fantastic! I mean this is literally the best fit of an iem I have had. For me it seems like a custom mold

7. I can wear them for 8-10 hours and wont find any discomfort.

8. When I wear the iem, there is an immediate reduction of surrounding noise. The passive noise isolation is really good.

9. The price of the Cadenza 4 if ordered from the pre-sale from March 25th to March 31st is $229 and the MSRP is $249

10. The cadenza has a 1 Dynamic Driver and 3 BA drivers with 1 being sonion and other 2 being knowles

11. They have 3 acoustic tubes with a 4-way crossover

12. There is no driver flex here

13. There is a minor BA Timbre


Sound Impressions:-

1. The overall sound impressions of the cadenza is that its very neutral with a subtle sub-bass boost.

2. While this might seem like a harman tuning at first but the treble is much more well controlled than harman

3. The overall tuning sounds really clean and it doesn’t cater to either basshead or treblehead

4. Honestly its refreshing seeing a tuning like this in a sea of harman or v or u shaped iems!

5. I will be using my usual devices for testing the cadenza 4

6. They are easy to drive but does scale well with power, so some of the testing is done via the 4.4mm

7. In my opinion they sound quite good at low volumes too, but the iem shines when playing at medium to medium high volumes.

8. All my testing is done at variety of volumes to get a proper idea

9. I have used all the stock accessories for testing


1. The bass here is sub-bass focused rather than md-bass focused which is good for me personally

2. If you are someone who likes mid-bass over sub-bass, you might be a bit disapointed.

3. But that doesn’t mean that the mid-bass quality is bad.

4. The overall bass quantity is very apt that is its not too much or too less.

5. But, what I did find is that some bass heavy songs like crack crack crackle by classy does lack that final crispness of the bass. A tad bit more bass could have soundeed even better.

6. This bit of lack of bass is also apparent when listening to instrumentals like cassiopea and ymo

7. When listening to the 1985 live album from cassiopea the instruments sounds good but the overall impact of them feel a bit flabby. But when a bit of bass is addeed like lets say by using the Xbass mode of my ifi go blu the instruments gets this body they become tactile and they really shine

8. Using the xbass mode in my ifi go blu also gives me that final crispness of the bass which I found lacking for some songs.

9. While majority of the audience who likes a clean sound will be pleased with the sound of cadenza 4

10. I think adding a tad bit to the bass region with the likes of ifi go blue using a xbass mode really makes the overall bass shine and also giving the instruments a bit of body and edge



1. The midrange is really good

2. The male vocals sounds crisp and they come across in the mix

3. Sometimes in some songs deep thick male vocals like bill withers or chris cornell sound a tad bit sterile and their thick luscious nature doesn’t really come across that well.

4. Again adding a tad bit of bass helps a lot here too. Then again this is a nitpick here for the price and tuning it is following, but I still thought of mentioning it.

5. Now female vocals here are exceptionally done!

6. They are really good and come across perfectly, they aren't too shouty but neither are they laid back.

7. Songs like OP from Tearmoon teikoku monogatari which is Happy end princess by Sumire Uesaka comes across perfect! Her voice is neither too shrilly or too laid back.

8. I really recommend this if you want something for female vocals which also has good male vocals


1. The overall treble is really well done

2. The treble doesn’t sound shrilly or piercy at all and is perfectly in sync with the upper mids

3. There is a slight roll-off on upper treble which might be a bit of issue for some songs

4. This is not a treble head iem, but it does a very good job in balancing a good treble details while not sounding too piercy

5. People who are sensitive to treble will like this

6. Although someone who loves even darker treble, might have some issues here. And might find it a tinge shrilly at higher volumes


The overall technicalities is really good. Its not the cleanest out there, but as I said before it does everything nicely and does a great balancing act


Soundstage & Imaging:-

It is really fantastic! The soundstage is probably best in the price range. And when listening to songs like Galatic Funk by Cassiopea the 1985 live version it is even more apparent. The claps at distance and the placement of the instruments is so well done.

The imaging too is very well done, the left to right transition and vice-versa comes across really well.

Gaming Test:-

Here they do a really good job. The footsteps are heard really well while also having a good idea about the surrounding too. But when there is too much happening and If played at higher volumes they will sound a bit shrilly.


Comparison & Recommendation:-

1. v/s 7hz Timeless AE – I prefer the cadenza 4 in some cases as it does a good job in most genres. But if I want a fun sounding V-shape iem then the timeless AE will be my choice.

2. v/s EA1000 – The ea1000 is harman done well. Its fantastic iem, but the ea1000 is quite a bit bright sounding when compared to the Cadenza 4. If you are a treblehead ea1000 it is, if you are not and want a more all rounder iem then the cadenza makes a better choice.

3. v/s S15 – The s15 is more of a relaxing iem while the cadenza 4 is more of an all rounder iem. The cadenza 4 has better treble response than s15. But the S15 is almost $100 more than the cadenza 4. So it really depends on what you want.

3. I really like the cadenza 4, specially for the price both MSRP and early bird.

4. I think so the cadenza 4 is an almost perfect neutral sounding iem for the price.

5. While it wont fit the bill for the bassheads or trebleheads out there, it does a great job balancing the act.

6. I personally prefer pairing the cadenza 4 with the ifi go blu and using the xbass mode


7. The tad bit better bass response and giving the instruments a bit of a body which I get by doing that is so well worth it.

8. Its really nice seeing an iem like this in a sea of harman tune or v tune iems.

9. I think so the cadenza 4 is an excellent option for anyone wanting an all-rounder iem.

10. If you do get it, I highly suggest adding a tad bit more bass or if you have an ifi go blu suggest using the xbass mode to improve the overall sound a bit.

11. Unlike the S15, cadenza 4 is priced is fantastically. A default recommendation form me around the $200 price point as of now.

12. So thats my review of the Cadenza 4. I hope you liked, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Letshuoer for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)
David Haworth
great review.... easy to read bites... well done
Thank you so much David 🙂 I really appreciate the kinds words and it means a lot coming from you ❤️


New Head-Fier
EPZ S30 Review
Pros: 1. The price is good

2. Quite comfortable to wear
Cons: 1. The competition like the Fiio JW1 is much better

2. The fitting mechanism is a bit weird

3. gets shrilly above certain range of volume


Hey guys, today I have the EPZ S30 with me for review. Its an Open ear style TWS or OWS as its called. These are the budget versions of the EPZ s80 I reviewed.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

These have been really popular these days, so lets how these are

These are a review unit from EPZ but all the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!


1. Before I talk about the sound, I want to say one thing is that these are OWS so you shouldn’t be expecting sound quality of them like you would expect from any iem or even any earbuds

2. So lets talk about some basic specs now

3. It has Bluetooth 5.3, the bluetooth chip used is Jerry7003 it supports only sbc and aac codec

4. The battery is rated for 7 hours on the buds and 21 hours on the case

5. It has a 16.2mm Dynamic driver

6. It is IPX4 waterproof which is nice for your work outs and gym

7. I used these while working out and found no issues when sweating

8. It has a gaming mode which can be activated by triple tapping the left earbud and entering this mode the latency reduces to 45ms.

9. Now talking about the comfort these are really comfortable for the first few hours, but after hour or 2 I did had some issues

10. On my left earbud I did feel a pressure on my earlobe.

11. Also the wing adjusting mechanism although was done to accommodate more ears, but its just so bad

12. Everytime I have to wear the TWS I have to adjust the bud and put it on my ear and then when I am done I have to readjust it to its original and put into the case.

13. This is probably the biggest hindrance I had whilst using it.

14. Now talking about the sound quality these are quite meh.

15. They are very bright sounding and almost unbearable to wear if you go above the 50-60% volume. I know they are a budget pair of OWS. But I will talk about another budget OWS which is priced similarly and much better than this.

16. The volume range compared to its elder brother is much better here as from the lowest volume level to about 50-60% the increase in volume is quite linear.

17. Now as I did say they were bright but its only at higher volumes, but if you are listening to it at low volume lets say under 50% then you are ok.

18. So that makes it ok to wear if you want it for your office wear or just casually in the house. But if you go outside or go for workout you have to turn the volume up and when you go above that 50-60% mark it becomes too bright.

19. The soundstage as its an OWS is quite good.

20. The material used is really comfortable to wear and caused no irritation as such even after I was sweating

21. Now compared to the similarly prices Fiio Jade audio JW1, I will pick the JW1 anyday of the week. Even though the JW1 has no adjustable hooks they sound a lot better than the S30.

22. Now that was my s30 review. It regularly goes on sale for $15. If you get it at that price then its a good buy. But I wont suggest buying it at its full MSRP as at that price range the Fiio JW1 makes a better purchase

23. If you are new into OWS and want to try something, I highly suggest trying these out if you get them on sale for $15-17. As they regularly goes on sale.

24. So yeah thats my review of the S30. Please do comment if you have any doubts or questions. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to EPZ for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
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Reactions: Colin5619


New Head-Fier
A neckband OWS with great battery life at only $30
Pros: 1. The price as of my review is $30 and msrp is $45, which is great for the entire package

2. The overall sound is really good for an open ear style TWS

3. The mic quality is quite decent, as most budget tws I tried have very bad mic quality

4. Very easy to wear and does irritate my skin

5. The bass is very satisfying, which is what generally lacks in OWS's

6. The battery life which it can last your entire work day and then some.

7. Great for podcasts and audiobooks

8. Supports EQ via the app
Cons: 1. It has only one con going for it, is that the cable for charging is proprietary. Although I guess that was required for it to get the IPX8 rating


Hey guys, today will review the TOZO Openreal these are an active sports neckband OWS. I personally have always liked the idea of OWS specially the neckband ones. As they just hang around your neck and you need a separate place to store away and also the fact that its OWS, its great for sport plus also for normal office work too.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from TOZO, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Amazon store:

Tozo Online Store:

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets start this review!



1. Well the packaging of the TOZO is simple you get the earphone and the charging cable and some papers.

2. When you look at the cable thats the biggest con I see here. Yes I will talk about the major con right in the beginning. The cable is proprietary magnetic charger, now that's really bad as if this gets lost you are basically screwed as you cant buy replacements. This is not a standard magnetic connector and neither does tozo sells them separately.


3. Now I get it why TOZO does this, because a magnetic connector allows them to have a IPX8 rating. It would have been nice if tozo could have somehow found a way to charge it via usb-c and still keep the IPX8. Also since they just stay around my neck I don’t have to search for a separate place to carry them and neither do I have to have that fear of an earbud losing.

4. But I wont be complaining to much as this is a budget oriented product which costs $45

5. Now for battery I got around 15 hours on the basic AAC codec playing at around 30% volume.

6. It supports fast charging where in you get 2 hours of battery with 10 minutes of charge.

7. They have a 16.2mm Dynamic driver

8. I will display a control chart here so that you have an idea what the control sequence is like.


9. The tozo app has EQ function which is nice to see, it has some presets eq and the ability to edit your own eq.


10. Now these being OWS, I highly suggest using the bass+ setting. Although the stock setting has ample of bass but for the work I was using. I found the bass+ setting to be enjoyable and more helpful

11. My entire sound testing is done on the bass+ setting. Also a big disclaimer I would like to say is please dont expect the sound from these to be same as some iem, as this is more of a lifestyle product.

12. The Bluetooth version is 5.3 and it supports AAC and SBC

13. it doesn’t have dual connectivity sadly, it would have been a nice addition here.

14. Now the bass of the tozo’s are really good, at first I was a bit surprised that an OWS had such good amount of bass.

15. Of course the bass isn't of the highest quality, but when out and about and you are listening to some bass heavy tracks this does a real good job.

16. The mids are quite ok

17. The male vocals are quite thick and luscious for an OWS

18. The female vocals are average and sometimes at higher volume does get shrilly.

19. The vocals aren't that well separated from the instruments and they feel a bit blend in with the instruments and the bass. Although not a big deal, but I still though of mentioning it.

20. But surprisingly these are absolutely fantastic for podcasts!

21. When listening to podcasts and audiobooks these performed really well with both female and specially male voices.

22. The treble is meh, and they are quite ok. But then again at volume above 70-80% I feel they become too shrilly and could cause an issue.

23. Soundstage as usual is something the OWS shines at and the TOZO’s are nothing different. They are really good here.

24. Also the imaging with it is quite average too, not the best but ok for an OWS


25. Well these well actually quite good for the price and they surprised me a lot when it comes to balancing an act between daily use and the overall sound.

26. Obviously do keep it in mind, that these are not the best sounding out there of course and neither are they meant for that. But the versatility it offers is really good.

27. I can wear these when working while some music plays in the background or podcasts or audiobooks but also I am aware of the situation around me.

28. The fantastic battery life of 15-16 hours is awesome as they last easily one work day for me without any issue and it having a fast charge is a great feature too. Also since they just stay around my neck I don’t have to search for a separate place to carry them and neither do I have to have that fear of an earbud losing.

29. Only big con I see is the proprietary charging cable, so if you get these keep it very carefully.

30. I gave a microphone test in my video review @ 3:50 timestamp

31. Well that's my review of the Tozo Open Real, I hope you liked it. If you have any questions please do comment and I will try to help you out. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Tozo for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
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New Head-Fier
The Do it all dongle dac!
Pros: 1. Fantastic packaging, provides everything one might need

2. Also includes the case inside the box, which most companies charge extra for

3. Has parametric EQ built in which is great and increases the versatility to use it with different iem's

4. Great features inside the DAC like Max volume controls etc. (I go in detail inside my full review)

5. The stock sound is really good! And is immediately quite apparent and stands out in the price range.

6. Price to performance ratio is really good!

7. The 3 user EQ inside the DAC is really nice. I personally keep one as a bass boost EQ for lean sounding iem's or when listening to at low volumes
Cons: 1. Does suck a lot of battery even in 3.5mm without the desktop mode.

2. Does get heated a lot, although it has a overheating setting which notifies you

3. A bit chonky than other dongle dac's


Hey everyone today I have the Fiio KA17 in for review. For a long time I wanted a dongle dac which could have a customisable EQ and saved inside the dac, and well looks my wish was fulfilled with the KA17 here.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from Fiio and all the thoughts an opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

So lets get started!



1. First I want to say that I am really excited for this product, but it turned into disappointment as when I first received the unit there were lot of issues and bugs. But thankfully it was fixed with an update

2. The version I had before was a pre-launch firmware updating to the latest firmware of the KA17 to the version v0.99 it fixed the dac and its issues. I held doing my review until the v0.99 update came as it also fixed a lot of issues.

3. The packaging of the Fiio KA17 is really awesome, The box holds the Dac, USB-C cable, an Usb-C to A adapter and a case.


4. The packaging is fantastic and it has everything one will need. Except maybe the usb c cable is a bit flimsy, but I personally haven't had any issues with it.

5. Also, almost all dongle dac’s case is sold separately but its so nice of fiio to include the case inside the box. Good job fiio!

6. Now the fiio ka17 size wise is a bit chonky and bigger than most dongle dacs out there.


7. The KA17 has 3.5mm and 4.4mm, volume buttons which are independent of the source, a menu button, a usb c port, a second usb c port for supplying extra power (this is a power only port and no data is transferred) which can activate its desktop mode or high gain mode and take the power upto 650mw for your most demanding headphones/iems, desktop mode toggle and the OLED display

8. The desktop mode can also be activated if it is connected by the main port and is receiving enough power from the source, some android phones, laptops, PC’s can supply enough power here.

It supplies 140mw from 3.5, 300mw from 4.4 in normal mode and 270mw from 3.5, 650 mw from 4.4 in Desktop mode!

9. Now talking about the UI of the KA17 and what it can do ( Please Watch my video on my YouTube for better understanding, as i give a live demo there)

10. The default screen shows the Bit Rate, Volume it is at and the Usb mode

11. First there is the gain menu, you can select low or high

12. Then there is the filter menu of which there are eight. Now I personally didn’t notice any difference with all these filters at all. I used the default fast filter

13. Then there is an otpion for volume step, where in you can select between wither 60 or 120 volume steps

14. The fiio ka17 also supports S/pdif so you can also toggle one or off that.

15. Then you have a setting where in you can adjust the left and right shift to the music which is a fantastic feature to have specially if your hearing is a bit damaged in one side or if the source music or video you are playing has some issues with the audio being leaned towards one side

16. After that you have the dimmer switch of which there are 5 preset settings

17. Then comes the EQ mode which has 7 presets and 3 user presets and an option to bypass the EQ completely


18. Now bypassing the EQ completely disables the MQA option too, so if you want to use MQA and don’t want to use the EQ use the option EQ-off. Before the v0.99 there was a separate option of MQA on/off

19. Now the 3 user available EQ are awesome as that gives me a lot of flexibility in having a bass boost EQ built inside the dac so that if I ever wanted a slight bass boost and I don’t want to use EQ on the transport then this works really well

20. Sometimes when listening at low volumes, quite a few iems there is a lack of body to the entire song and a lack of bass so I keep a separate EQ for low volume listening where in I bump the bass a tad bit more than case 1

21. The EQ is a 10 band eq and for each band you can select the gain and the Q value of the band. Which is really awesome! Q value basically means how wide or narrow the range around that band is when you are changing

22. Also each user eq gets a gain of +/- 12db

23. After the EQ section there is a max volume setting, here you can limit the volume above which ka17 wont be going.


24. Next setting is the rotation display which turns the display 180 degrees around depending on your needs

25. Next is the Display off setting of which in increments of 5 you can select from 5 seconds to 60 seconds

26. After that it shows the USB mode you are in, for PS5 and switch you need to be in USB mode 1 to use the ka17 with these devices

27. Language selection is next english or chinese

28. The version number and at last Recovery mode or factory reset the ka17 to its basic state.

29. That was a bit long covering the menu settings and what it does. Now talking about the dac chip and amps of the KA17. It has 2 ESS ES9069Q flagship DAC chips and a THX AAA 78+ headphone amp. A non-plus version of this amp was used in their M11 and M11s DAP’s. Also there are 8 op-amps in a 4 channel parallel circuit.

30. The digital and analog portions of the circuit are on totally separate circuit boards, each board is equipped with a shielding cover for total isolation.

-1106455707-1995889818 (1)__01.jpg

31. This also has the XMOS XU316 USB receiver, which is a first for a dongle dac if I am not wrong

32. The KA17 supports upto DSD512, 768kHz/32bit and full MQA unfolding

33. Now talking about the meats and potatoes, the sound

34. I will be talking about the sound without any EQ and I will be using the EQ bypass mode to test the sound.

35. Now before talking sound I want to say one thing, is that it is very hard to judge sound characteristics of a dac. And the sound is clearly dependent on the iem you are using and also comparing it with other dongle dac’s


36. The overall sound of the fiio ka17 is very neutral with a slight tinge of brightness.

37. This tinge of brightness isnt something which will make your bright iems unbearable to listen to but rather your warm sounding treble shy iems gets a small dose of treble which makes it sound nice and clear.

38. This neutral sound signature doesn’t mean that the bass authority has been lost, with iems like nova and kz castor the bass had authority and deep punchiness which made the bass sound crisper too. Something like my tanchjim kara in the desktop mode really benefited from the extra power and its bass sounded more fuller, crispier and very nicely texture here.

39. The mid range here is crystal clear and sounds exactly how I would want. Again the kara in desktop mode was really a treat to listen too! Chris cornells voice which sounds a bit lackluster in the kara in most underpowered dacs it sounded really good here.

40. The treble of the ka17 is very good, that tinge of brightness doesn’t cause any issues to any of my bright iems even at moderate volumes. The kara in desktop mode sounded very nice here too, the instruments sounded very good too. The treble notes here arent too blunted and they are really crisp.

41. The soundstage of the KA17 is phenomenal and so is the imaging. When listening to live songs specially the 1985 live album by Cassiopea it is immediately apparent. I was really surprised by this! Watching any movies like the top gun movies was awesome here and fly by of jets too was awesome and it was very crisp.


42. I cannot specify how good the ka17 powers and opens up something like the tanchjim kara in desktop mode. Kara is very hard to drive and seems like it is meant to be paired with the KA17.

43. Now for battery life. I tested it out with a moondrop chu 2 at 30% volume in low gain mode via the 3.5mm mode I got around 9.5 hours of battery. Yes it is very low and on my battery rank list this is the lowest, but thats sort of expected with the amount of power it pushes. Even when idle the KA17 pulls a lot of battery from the transport and it stays quite warm.

44. The ka17 does get heated up a lot, specially when using it in desktop mode. There is an overheating notification present on ka17 which will notify you when the temp is too much. I suggest using the ka17 out in open specially when using the desktop mode.

45. Now comparison to other dac -

46. v/s the Aune Yuki – Well in terms of features the KA17 wins here no doubt. Now previously I had given the yuki as my favourite dongle dac in terms of soundstage. But well the Fiio ka17 beats the yuki when it comes to that! If you still want something a bit analog sounding then the yuki is still a great option, but if you want a great soundstage and imaging along with a very neutral sound and detailed sound along with EQ then the KA17 is where it is at. The battery is much better on the yuki than on the KA17

47. v/s The colorfly cda m2 – In every aspect of sound the KA17 is just a superior product here, specially with ka17 having eq. But when it comes to battery life the colorfly is much better when compared to the KA17

48. v/s The Hiby FC6 – Well the fc6 is my favourite dongle period! But the ka17 is just superior when it comes to soundstage and imaging. When talking about the overall quality of the sound still prefer the analog sounding fc6 here. But I have to say that the KA17 takes the first spot too on my list of favourite dongles along with the FC6. If I want something with greater soundstage and neutral sound signature then the ka17 it is, if I want to relax and enjoy my music then its fc6.

49. Well the I had a lot of hopes for the KA17, it just broke all that and quickly became my favourite dongle along the FC6. If anyone wants a do it all dongle I highly highly suggest checking the fiio ka17 out. At its $149 price point I would say its definitely worth it, and I have never said this but even at 200 this is a really great product.

50. Being able to power most iems and headphones without any issues in desktop mode is an awesome thing to have. But it has one con is that it does suck up a lot of battery when connected even in normal mode, so do be careful of that when using it.

51. I am sorry if I come across a bit excited about this, because how the KA17 sounds is just fantastic and the EQ function + its price makes it an overall fantastic device to own.

52. Well that's my review of the KA17, I hope you liked it. If you have any questions please do comment and I will try to help you out. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Fiio for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
Last edited:


New Head-Fier
The gamepad looking dongle dac
Pros: 1. Looks awesome, love the retro gamepad design personally

2. Has a nice analogish sound

3. The supplied cable is very good

4. Love the minimal packaging

5. Built like a tank!
Cons: 1. USB A adapter not included

2. Sadly the buttons on the face don't work


Hey, guys this is the kiwi ears allegro. Its a dongle dac from kiwi ears which looks like gamepad. Its a really nice design and the price too is quite good at $59. So how is it? Lets find out.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

Before I start I want to say that this is a review unit from linsoul, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

So lets get started!



1. The packaging is very simple it has the dac and the usb c cable. Thats it! A small usb c to usb a adapter would have been nice for PC use.



2. I absolutely love the design of the dongle dac. The gamepad design is really nice and not boring unlike most dongle dac

3. The metal body of the allegro is really well built

4. Sadly the buttons on the face of the allegro don’t work, would have been nice if they could do something like tuning filters or shifting to high or low gain mode.

5. It has the ES9028Q2M DAC

6. It can support upto 32bit/384khz and DSD258

7. Its output power is 70mw from 3.5 and 155mw from 4.4

8. It does not have low or high gain mode

9. There are no filters here

10. As for power they are surprisingly good and drove even my hard to drive tanchjim kara really well.


11. Before I talk about the sound I want to say that it is very hard to determine the sound of the dac and its heavily dependent on the iem I am using and also by comparing to different source.

12. Well the overall sound of the allegro is very neutral but which sounds analog-ish

13. The bass and the mids are very neutral with no colouration whatsoever.

14. But the mids of the allegro are quite analogish and male vocals specifically sounds really good here.

15. The treble is really good, but it isn't the sharpest here.

16. The overall treble note is not that sharp and it is apparent when listening to 1985 live album from cassiopea.

17. The treble extension lacks a little bit and for some warm iems could be a bit of an issue

18. I think so the allegro pairs really well with brighter sounding source where the treble notes are blunted a bit and the vocals come forward a lot.

19. When using it warmer sounding iems for some songs it sounds a bit too dark and I do feel quite a bit of treble is lost. Again this is a bit of a nitpick. But it does pair well with most iems

20. The soundstage of the allegro is as depicted with the iem


21. Overall technicalities of the allegro is really good, the analog nature of allegro doesn’t muddy up the details and they come across quite well

22. The tonality and timbre of the dongle is very good.

23. Now for the battery test, I used a moondrop chu 2 at around 30% volume via the 3.5mm jack and got around 15.5 hours from my 5000mah smartphone.

24. The battery test is really good

25. It has 100 volume steps

26. The first few steps almost seems useless as the rise in volume is quite minimal and there is this huge jump in volume where the stepping is even more sudden.

27. Although not an issue I still thought of mentioning it

28. The allegro makes for a great budget buy, specially if you want a 4.4mm output and also want something which sounds a bit analog-ish and smooth

29. v/s the ka11 – ka11 is still my pick for a fantastic warm sounding budget dongle dac. Also ka11 has an app which the allegro lacks. Ka11 has only 3.5 but it costs less at $29

30. v/s the akliam pd4 plus – pd4 plus is very analytical and has play pause buttons and more power along with low/high gain mode. The allegro is a very analog-ish. So it depends on what type of sound you want and like

31. Well thats my review of the Kiwi Ears Allegro, I hope you liked it. If you have any questions please do comment and I will try to help you out. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Linsoul for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
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New Head-Fier
ND X12
Pros: 1. The faceplate looks unique

2. Very good female vocals

3. Above average soundstage for the price
Cons: 1. The competition is much better sadly at this price

2. The cable is quite flimsy

3. It is on the right path, a bit more refinement specially via the tuning switches would be nice

4. No much variations in tuning when changing the tuning switches

Introduction :-

Hey guys, today I will be reviewing the ND Audio X12.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from ND Audio, but all thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

So lets get started!

Build, Comfort and Accessories:-

1. The package contains the iem. The 3 pairs of white and black eartips each, the flimsy cable, a sim tool for changing the switches and a pretty nice case. I would have loved to see a pair of foam tips here


2. The cable provided does have quite a bit of microphonics even though it is a thing cable.

3. Now the face plate of the iem is really interesting! I rally like it, its quite funky. Its nice to see something a bit different.

4. Shell of the iem is made out of aluminium, I have the silver version there is also a black version available.

5. They are really comfortable and I have had no issues wearing it for long periods of time.

6. These have 1DD, 4BA’s for mid and 1 BA for treble

7. There is a BA timbre

8. The price of the ND X12 is about $49.


Sound Impressions:-

1. There are 8 possible tunings possible for the X12 with the tuning switches

2. All the tunings with different tuning switches are quite useless as they don’t change anything.

3. The DDD is just treble paradise but it sounds too thin.

4. The UUU although bright sounding, is quite ok. My testing is done using this combination

5. The other combos are very similar there is no differences between them

6. These are very easy to drive

7. There is a lot of driver flex

8. Now the sound with UUU is a bright V tuned


9. The bass here is more sub-bass focused

10. The bass is quit thin and not so engaging in songs like crack crack crackle by classy. It sounds quite limp. Although if I wear foam tips the bass response is a tad bit better.

11. The mid-bass too is quite ok and follows the trend of the sub-bass, there is mid-bass bleed here

12. The instruments from songs like YMO and Cassiopea sounds a bit thin and lacking texture, but with a foam tips it sounds quite alright and ort of mangeable.

13. Now talking about the mids, the mids are quite meh

14. Male vocals like chris cornell and bill withers lacks that texture and warmthness of the sound and they take a back seat in the mix.

15. This meh male vocals does give a rise to pretty good female vocals. When listening to J-pop it sounded quite nice.

16. But this female vocals might be too much for someone who is sensitive to this shrilly female vocals.

17. Now treble, well X12 is certainly not lacking here. I mean if you are treblehead you will love this here.

18. The treble here is very shrilly and very uneven. While a treblehead might like the quantity if treble here, but the quality of treble is very lacking


19. The extension of treble is very bad too.

20. The overall technicalities it does perform quite good and is apt for the price.

21. The Soundstage and imaging is above average and what I would expect for this price.

22. when listening to the 1985 live album from cassiopea the crowd clapping noise was surprisingly good and fairly spaced with a nice sense of transition for imaging.

23. Now coming to comparison

24.v/s the simgot ew200 – the ew200 is better at every aspect here. If you are treblehead, the ew200 has a much nicer quality of treble and the extension of the treble is really good too. At under the $50 heck even $100 its hard to beat or compete with the Ew200

25. I think so the X12 would have made for a great iem a few years back specially for the price. But the competition has gotten so fierce that it is hard to compete now. The under $50 market is really good.

26. Specially the simgot Ew200 being at this price point makes a no brainer choice here even if you are treblehead.

27. If you are not a treblehead I would still suggest the ew200 and suggest using my tape mod and using a foam tip with it. That helps a lot with the overtly bright nature of ew200

28. unless you are too much intro treble, the X12 will be a hard choice to recommend. It would be nice if there was more variations among the tuning switches so that we could get different tuning.

29. Well thats my review of the X12, I hope you liked it. If you have any questions please do comment and I will try to help you out.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to ND Earphone for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)


New Head-Fier
Another great budget dongle DAC
Pros: 1. Great build quality as usual for the price

2. The quality of the cable provided is really good

3. Great choice for the neutralheads our there

4. The included play controls is really nice and so helpful.

5. The glass window is a very nice touch
Cons: 1. Doesn't follow the typical akm sound, so if you want something warm sounding this is not for you.

2. No other con I could find for the price.


Hey, guys in today's review I have the Akliam PD5. This is a sidegrade to one of my favourite dongle dac/budget dongle dac The Akliam PD4 Plus.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

The retail price for the Akliam PD5 is around $68

This is a review unit from Akliam, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

So lets get started!



1. The packaging of the PD5 is very simple, it comes in this small box with some papers, the dongle dac, the usb cable and a Usb c to Usb A converter.



2. It uses the AKM AK4493SEQ along with 2*RT6863 OP-Amps

3. These are the same op-amps used in the ibasso dc04 pro


4. It supports upto 768KHz/32Bit and DSD512

5. The weight of the dongle is only 21g and is quite light weight.

6. There is a small glass window in the back which lets us see the components, which is a very nice touch in my opinion


7. It has 60 independent volume steps

8. I have tried the filters in the PD5, but I have heard no discerning difference. There are 6 filters available.


9. I will show a schematic about the button and what it can do, you can read it below


10. From the 3.5mm it can support upto 130mw in high gain and upto 255mw from the 4.4mm in high gain


11. There is a faint led which blinks red and blue when a certain action like changing the gain or switching filters is done

12. Unlike the PD4 Plus the PD5 can go to minimum volume and stay silent.

13. The background of the PD5 is completely pitch black and I heard no hiss when using my most sensitive iems

14. Now before talking sound I want to say one thing, is that it is very hard to judge sound characteristics of a dac. And the sound is clearly dependant on the iem you are using and also comparing it with other dongle dac’s

15. Now the sound of the PD5 contrary to the popular believe of AKM Chips, it is very neutral

16. When I first used the PD5 I was a bit taken aback as to hwo different the sound is from a typical AKM dac chip. Generally the AKM chips are warm sounding but this one sound clean and authorative!


17. When listening to song like crack crack crackle by classy I felt the bass to be a bit more neutral than I usually prefer and it had this really surgical precision about it which I found is more reminiscent of the expensive Fiio ka17

18. The mids of the songs containing male vocals and female vocals from my test list, were exactly I would expect for the iems to sound like.

19. The treble notes of the PD5 are very sharp and precise

20. The technicalities is where it was surprising for me. I found the PD5 to be even more technical that its brother the PD4 plus.

21. It paired fantastically with warmer pair of iems like the Nova, penon fan 2 etc.

22. The soundstage of the PD5 and Imaging was on par with the PD4 plus. In some places I felt it was a bit more precise than the PD4 plus. But that was after severely a-b ing it.

23. Seeing the battery life I got around 15.5 hours with the moondrop chu 2 at around 30% volume via the 3.5 in low gain on my 5000mah smartphone.


24. Comparing to the PD4 plus I think the PD5 is even more detailed and the treble details are even more sharpened. But the PD4 plus has more power than the PD5

25. v/s the Cda M1p the PD5 is very neutral sounding dac, whereas the Colorfly is a warm sounding dongle dac. The Colorfly is also quite heavy and does make it hard to use it daily, but the pd5 is very light.

26. So yeah thats my review of the Akliam PD5. Please do comment if you have any doubts or questions. Thanks for stopping by, have a great day ahead! Bye!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Akliam for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
Last edited:
Thank you for sharing it!
Has anyone used Thiers with a PS5. Mine has very low volume. On the switch it's nice and loud
Sorry dont have a ps5 to test, maybe try using the uac 1.0 mode

Also dm and ask the seller on aliexpress he might be able to help you


New Head-Fier
Is this premium USB-C Iem worth it?
Pros: 1. Great build quality

2. Can be worn straight down and over the ear like a normal iem

3. Great overall fun sound

4. Very good bass

5. The accessories supplied is of great quality

6. The cable provided is really good

7. The case provided is really good and very pocketable
Cons: 1. The MSRP is the biggest con of this iem

2. A set of foam tips would have been nice

3. No app included

4. Treble could be spicy for some specially at higher volumes

5. Meh soundstage and imaging at this price


Hey guys, today I am very excited for this review. Because its the first time I am reviewing a Ddhifi product.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

I was always curious about the quality of the Ddhifi products. So Today I have the Janus 3 Decoding Set or The better way to frame would be Usb C version of the Janus 3.

This was a review unit sent by Ddhifi, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets start the review!



1. So the janus 3 decoding set is basically the Janus 3 iem (which is sold separately) and its paired with the M120B usb c cable (which is sold separately). So you can consider this as a dual review for the both the review of the Janus 3 and the M120B cable.

2. Well the packaging of the Janus 3 decoding set is fabulous! It has the Iem, with one set of Ddhifi ST35 eartips without the case and they are separately worth about $9 ( in my opinion one more set of tips should have been given), the fantastic case which is the Ddhifi C80 or The C90 case which in itself is sold separately for $30, The usb C cable is the M120B cable which is sold separately for $90. So the accessories in its own is worth about $129.


3. Now one thing I want to say about Ddhifi is they prefers quality and do upcharge a bit as they do built a premium product.

4. The Msrp for this Janus 3 decoding set is $150

5. Now the cable has this fantastic cylindrical shape for its usb c connector which is robust and it makes quite comfortable to use the usb c cable.

6. The iems can be worn in two ways, one like normal earphones straight down and other over the ear wrap around style like how we generally wear iems

7. This has one lithium magnesium alloy dome composite dynamic driver.

8. They are very comfortable to wear both straight down and wrap around style

9. The microphonics of the cable is almost none when it is worn wrap around style

10. But they do have quite a bit of microphonics when worn straight down.

11. The cable has integrated its mic within the splitter rather than letting it dangle on one side like most iems with mic, which i think is very nice and smart

12. Mic test is given at timestamp 2:25 on my YouTube video

Any support to me by subscribing to my channel is greatly appreciated :)

13. The sound coming out of this I can say is harman tuned but with a tad bit more bass than harman. You could also characterise it as a V tune too.


14. Overall the sound coming of it is very fun and very engaging

15. I used my usual set of sources for my review.

16. The sub-bass has good rumble and punch, when listening to songs like waltz by sunny it had awesome sub-bass rumble and punch.

17. The mid-bass too doesn’t stay far behind and it too has a good amount of bite and body which goes very well with the sub-bass

18. The mid-bass does occasionally bleeds into the mids. Depending on the genre of songs you listen too you might like this or not.

19. The Mids as usual in harman is slightly recessed behind everyone else

20. The Male vocals sits behind as usual, but they have good texture and body this is apparent when listening to chris cornell and bill withers.

21. Female vocals too are very good, but it could be a bit much for people who do not like shrilly upper mids. In some songs at higher volume it could be a bit much for some. Although I personally was fine with it.

22. The treble here is very good! It surprised me as to how good it was

23. It was detailed and airy and songs from casiopeas 1985 live album was awesome.

24. Now the notes of the treble are a bit sharp so certain songs when there is a lot going on it could be a bit uneven or could be a bit peaky. But the again this happens at very higher volumes for me and at low volumes it stays fine

25. The soundstage here is quite meh as they found a sphere around your head, now this is nice for people for those who like it. I personally like a wider soundstage.

26. The imaging is ok nothing great at the price, and the left to right transition were average for the price.

27. The M120B usb c cable has the Realtek audio chip and supports upto 384khz in the usb c mode and upto 48khz in the lightning version

28. There is a single button which can pick and reject calls and play and pause the audio.

29. Sadly a usb c to usb a converter isn't included in the box. Would have been nice if it was there.


30. So yeah to conclude the review, I do think for the price it does make a good enough purchase. As you know ddhifi does charge a bit more than its competition but the quality of the product is really good.

31. I think so the $149 is a bit of stretch here, if this was priced at around lets say 100-110, this would be an awesome iem in my opinion and I would suggest this iem if you want a no frills usb c iem.

32. By the way the cable and iem here is mmcx and it can be used with other iems too.

32. The pricing is the only thing which is the negative I can find.

33. That was my review of the Ddhifi Janus 3 Decoding Set + M120B cable, I hope you liked, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to DDHIFI for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)
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New Head-Fier
A great budget bluetooth DAC with EQ!
Pros: 1. The price of $49 is great! (As of this review its on sale for $43)

2. Has a CS43131 DAC along with QC5125 chip which is again unheard for the price

3. Has an eq function which works very well

4. The overall sound is neutral but doesn't tend to muddy the sound

5. EQ is saved in the dongle

6. Has an inbuilt mic
Cons: 1. Only con I can think of is the plastic build quality (but then again for the price thats a nitpick)
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Hey guys, today I have the Hiby W3 ii with me for review today. Its a budget Bluetooth dongle from hiby.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from Hiby, all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated link) :-

Hiby Website -

Hiby Aliexpress Store -

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

So lets get started!

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1. The packaging is very simple it comes with the W3ii, a usb c cable and some basic papers


2. The entire build is plastic and it is very lightweight at around only 19g! It also has a clip on the back.

3. The price of the W3ii is only $49

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4. The W3ii has a single CS43131 dac in it and uses the Qualcomm QCC5125 chip which has bluetooth 5.2 and a single 3.5mm output.


5. It can be used both as a bluetooth dac and as a usb dongle dac. It also has NFC for connecting the device.

6. The bluetooth range is average at around 8-10m in a line of sight

7. Codec’c it supports are LDAC, aptx, aptxHD, SBC, AAC and Hiby’s proprietary UAT wireless codec.

8. It has a mic input which uses a CVC noise cancelling technology during calls and supports the CTIA headset controls, Please click on my youtube video the Mic sample is given at 1:34

(Any support by subscribing to my YouTube channel is greatly appreciated :) )

9. The battery is claimed to last around 10.5 hours on aac codec, but I got around 9.5 hours on aac codec while playing the moondrop chu 2 at around 30% volume.

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10. The standby time is really good! They say its around 100 hours but I have seen much better than results than that.

11. It doesn’t have any low gain or high gain.

12. It also has an app which is separate from the Hiby music app.

13. I will show a screenshot below so that you can see what basic features it has.


14. The led control button is a really nice feature, also the Find feature is quite nice too.

15. It also supports a car mode, so you can use this adapter inside your car.

16. It also has a channel imbalance button which is great for someone who might have a hearing loss on one side.

17. It also has an EQ feature where there are 8 preset eq and you can modify the eq but only upto 4 bands. For the price this is really good!

18. Also the EQ is saved in the device so you can use the same EQ everywhere, although to change it you would require the android app once again.

19. Volume fine tune lets you choose the internal volume of the W3ii which is really nice!! So that it can adapt to different volume steps on different devices and you can adjust the volume steps to be a lot finer.

20. You also have the option to select auto power off feature, which is really nice.

21. I will share a small screenshot of the button function and also the what each step of the multicolour LED means. You can see it below


21. Now talking about the sound, before talking about the sound I want to say that it is very hard to judge a dac on its own. And the judgement depends heavily on what type of iems/headphones I am using it with.

22. The sound from the Hiby W3ii is very natural

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23. Although there is no colouration of the sound it does sound quite lively specially when listening to any live recordings.

24. The overall treble notes is a bit blunted, which makes it a great pair to listen it with bright sounding iems.

25. Iems like Geekwold GK20 and the Simgot EW200 paired really well with this.

26. When using it in wired mode the sound from it seemed a bit better than in the bluetooth mode.

27. Overall for the price of $49 I think this is a fantastic product for those who want a budget bluetooth dongle dac and which also has eq feature and quite a robust app. The mic support and CTIA headset controls is a great feature to have.

28. Also if you have a bright iems this makes a good pairing too.

29. That was my review of the hiby W3ii, I hope you liked, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Hiby for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)
Last edited:


New Head-Fier
The $69 Upgrade cable from Simgot
Pros: 1. he price of the cable is quite attainable at $69

2. The cable is really well built

3. It is modular

4. Although the cable is thick it behaves quite well when wearing it daily
Cons: 1. The outer sheathing of cable is not everyone's cup of tea

2. Its a bit heavy than usual cables so carrying it could be an issue
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Hey guys this is a first of a kind review for me. This is a first time I am reviewing a cable, and the cable is from none other than Simgot. Its the simgot LC7 we have got in the house for review.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from Simgot, but all the thought and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!

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1. The packaging of the cable is very simple. It comes in a small box where in there is the cable and extra 4.4mm modular jack.

2. The price of the cable is $69. Nice!

3. Its a 18AWG cable the components of the cable is High Purity oxygen free Copper and High Purity oxygen free Silver.

4. It has 732 cores. And is a dual core cable which is moulded with PVC

5. The housing material is copper alloy.

6. Its a standard 0.78mm 2 pin

7. Now the alking about the physicality cable. It is very supple and soft.

8. It has a decent amount of memory when rolling it, but it also doesn’t get kinks. Which is a very nice thing in my opinion.

9. They are not that microphonic atleast for me.

10. The weight of the cable is a bit heavy but they handle quite well in daily use.

11. The moulded earhooks are not aggressive like you see with most stock cables.

12. The chin cinch is very nice and is very effective when using it.

13. Now as for sound which is a big controversial take here. I paired it with other iems too, but this cable seems like it is made for ea1000.

14. As for the sound difference well, to be honest I didn’t hear any. Everything sounded the same.

15. This cable looks so good with the ea1000! It looks like it is made for the ea1000. While the stock cable is good but this cable takes it a notch above in terms of handling the iem.

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16. At $69 I do think it is a bit expensive for a cable. But the quality if the cable with it being modular and other cables of similar quality being a bit expensive than this.

17. I think so it makes a good point to get this specially if you have an ea1000 or an iem which looks similar to it.

18. The cable could be a bit heavy so a case to carry it is suggested

19. So that was my review, i hope you liked it. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Simgot for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)


New Head-Fier
The wearable stereo experience from EPZ
Pros: 1. The case is really nice and flat

2. Excellent battery life of 12-13 hours in single charge

3. Actually sounds quite good at a certain range of volume
Cons: 1. The fit could be an issue for some

2. No app support
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Hey guys, today I have the EPZ S80 with me for review. Its an Open ear style TWS or OWS as its called. These have been really popular these days, so lets how these are.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

These are a review unit from EPZ but all the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Buy then here (Unaffiliated link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!


1. Before I talk about the sound, I want to say one thing is that these are OWS so you shouldn’t be expecting sound quality of them like you would expect from any iem or even any earbuds

2. So lets talk about some basic specs now

3. It has Bluetooth 5.3, Uses a BES2000 chip sadly no qualcomm chip here so the codec support is only limited to sbc and aac I would have liked to see aptx support at this price point. But thats ok

4. The battery is rated for 15 hours on the buds and 45 hours on the case

5. It has a 16.2mm Dynamic driver

6. It is IPX5 waterproof which is nice for your work outs and gym

7. I used these while working out and found no issues when sweating

8. It has 4 mics which ENC during the call

9. Now talking about the comfort these are really comfortable for the first few hours, but after hour or 2 I did had some issues

10. On my left earbud I did feel a pressure on my earlobe. I tried adjusting the wings but they are fixed so they stayed as they are.

11. The material used is really comfortable to wear and caused no irritation as such even after I was sweating

12. Now talking about the sound quality I will display a graph from EPZ here

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13. Well the sound range for the EPZ S80 is a bit weird

14. The first 30% of volume the sound coming out is very faint and teeny but once you reach pass that 30% limit the sound is a bit fuller.

15. Now this continues to be the case upto 70% of volume, after that if you increase the volume even more the sound becomes too shrilly and shouty.

16. So I suggest using the earbuds between 30-70% of volume for the best sound fidelity.

17. I typically used it around 30-60% depending where I am at, and I got around 12 hours of battery life using 50% of volume.

18. This has a fast charge feature where in you can charge for 15 minutes and get 6 hours of battery life. They don’t have wireless charging.

19. I will be talking about the sound from 30-70% of volume range. Because the sound below 30 is unusable and teeny and sound above 70 is shrilly and shouty.

20. Now the sound coming of it from when you hit 30% of volume is actually quite good, it has a good amount of bass.

21. Although the bass you hear is mid-bass heavy than sub bass. When listening to songs like crack crack crackle by classy and waltz by sunny the bass hits were punchy and hearty. Yes the sub-bass did lack behind the mid-bass.

22. The mids are ok nothing great for a OWS. But at higher volumes like 60-70% or the female vocals becomes quite shrilly and shouty.

23. The treble again is very well controlled and they do a surprisingly good job here.

24. The treble does lack a bit of extension but seeing how this an OWS thats ok I guess.

25. Now the soundstage of these buds are fantastic! Being an OWS they always excel at this. They are very wide sounding while the depth is average at best

26. This has no app support sadly.

27. I will leave the control schematics on screen so that you can pause and read it.

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28. The mic test is on my YouTube video @ 4:00

28. These retail for $89

29. So are these worth the $89? well somewhat, I think so it does sound good specially if you stay within the volume range as I mentioned.

30. But I do think they are a tad bit expensive, if they were priced at around $60-70 they would have been a much better deal.

31. I don’t have the openrock or oladance or soundcore OWS which are priced similarly, I would have really loved to compare.

32. Because at $90 you are competing against the already established brands and they have lot more features and app support. Now I haven't used them but this is what I found from the reviews I have read or seen online about them.

33. So yeah that's my review of the S80. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to EPZ for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)


New Head-Fier
The Planar iem cosplaying as a DD iem (Also bonus content for Ifi Go Blu, Qudelix 5K and EQ Users)
Pros: 1. The build quality is really good

2. Accessories supplied is really good, specially the modular cable

3. The overall tonality and timbre is really nice and DD-esque

4. One of the few iems I have come across where both the male vocals and female vocals are really good!

5. Love the case that it comes with, very premium

6. Great for those who are sensitive to treble

7. Overall coherency is really good
Cons: 1. Biggest con is probably the launch price (no surprise there)

2. Not a low volume set, shines at medium volume

3. A pair of foam tips would have been nice
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Hey guys, we have the letshuoer S15 today. This is the successor to the their famous S12/S12pro iem. So this is the most expensive planar iem in the recent times I have come across, so lets see how it stacks up with other planars and other similarly priced iems.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

Also as the title says, ifi go blu, qudelix 5k owners or any who loves to eq I highly suggest reading till end.

This is a review unit from letshuoer, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated link) :-

Amazon USA -

Amazon UK -

Amazon Japan -

Amazon Germany -

Letshuoer Aliexpress -

Letshuoer Website -

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!

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Build, Comfort and Accessories:-

1. The overall packaging of the S15 is fantastic! It punches way above the price in my opinion.

2. Inside the box you get the iem, two sets of tips one balanced tip and other vocal tips, the fantastic cable and 3 modular right angled jacks which is my preference, the case which is is made of this 3d printed palstic which feels very nice.

3. The retail price for the S15 is $330

4. The build quality of the iem is very nice, the shell is made of the same 3d printed plastic as the case. The outer plate of the iem is a metal.

5. It uses a 2 pin connector

6. The s15 has a 14.8mm planar driver. It also uses something called as the R-sonic passive filtering module.

7. These are really really comfortable to wear and I can wear them for hours without any fatigue.

8. Although the nozzle length is a bit short and some people might have some fit issue. For me the stock tips were fine.

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Sound Impressions:-

1. The overall sound signature of the S15 seems to be a w shape tuning but with a tinge of mid-bass and the treble a bit relaxed.

2. The overall sonic range is very coherent with each other. I explain more about it as I proceed through the review.

3. They are a very relaxing pair of iems

4. The overall timbre is really good, and there is a slight tinge of planar timbre.

5. They pair very well with neutral source in my opinion

6. I will be using the usual choice of source for my review.

Hiby FC6, Fiio BTR5, IFI Hip Dac 3, IFI Go Blu, Colorfly CDA M1, Colorlfy CDA M2, Muse Hifi M4, Fosi Audio N3, Aune Yuki, Hiby M300, Akliam PD4 Plus, Kinera Usb C dongle dac, Razer Usb c dongle dac, Fiio KA11, Fiio KA17 & My smartphone

7. They do require quite a bit of power to sound their best. Although they can be driven off anything but I do suggest using a decent pair of dongle dac for these.

8. These do sound their best when playing at higher volumes.

9. Sadly these aren't a low volume set.

10. All my testing is done at moderately high volume than usual also I used all the stock accessories.

11. But I found the best tip to be the wide bore penon blue tips which worked really well for this. If possible or you have issues I highly suggest checking out a set of wide bore tips with these as they open up the treble a bit.

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1. Now the bass here is mid bass focused rather than sub bass focused.

2. If you are someone who likes a nice well rounded meaty mid-bass this is an iem for you.

3. When listening to songs like crack crack crackle by sunny or waltz by sunny the mid bass punch is really tastefully done. And it sounds really nice and meaty.

4. But the lack of the sub-bass punch does leave a lot to desire. Although the overall sonic range is very coherent with each other, the lack of sub-bass with the good mid-bass atleast for me feels a bit off.

5. Like I can almost enjoy the bass region of the song, but the lack of that sub-bass punch does leave me a bit longing.

6. But if you listen to a lot of instrumental, this is a great as they sound really natural over here. Listening to asayake 1985 live fro Casiopea was a real treat. The natural tone and timbre of the instrument was really good! Surprising that a planar does this good.


1. The overall mids of this iems are really nicely done

2. The male vocals are very well done. Vocals like Chris Cornell and Bill Withers sounds very warm and lush and very enjoyable.

3. Now this is the surprising part atleast for me, I thought that the way the tuning is done I would expect it to the female vocals to be bad.

4. But the female vocals here were really good and sounded really natural and good. Now I generally like a good almost shirlly harmanny female vocals but that also spoils the male vocals in my opinion. But I think the S15 does a fantastic job at balancing it sounding warm and also providing a good female vocals.

5. Now would I have loved the female vocals to have been a bit more shrilly, yes. But that would have spoiled the over relaxing vibe of the iem it has going on.


1. Now the treble is fantastic over here if you are someone who is sensitive to how most chi-fi iems or harman tuned iems are tuned you will love these

2. The treble here is really good and well controlled.

3. When listening to the 1985 live album casiopea, the treble isn't that matured over here but it has enough details for me to enjoy the song.

4. If you are a treblehead, this isnt an iem for you.

5. It strikes a good balance between it giving me a good relaxing listen while also having that treble details.

6. Treble extension could have been a bit better


The overall technicalities is quite good, but it doesn’t not the technicalities that you would expect a planar iem to have. For me it strikes a good balance between it sounding good while also not sounding a detail monster

Soundstage & Imaging:-

The overall soundstage is quite meh, it has this ball of soundstage around your head. I personally like a good wide and deep spacious soundstage. But there are many who loves the in-ear feeling of the iem. If you are someone like that you will love this. The soundstage depth of the s15 is really nice but it isn't that wide.

The Imaging is average which is a bit of disappointment at this price point. I would have expected to be doing a bit good. The left and right transition is ok and nothing great.

Gaming Test:-

Here too they do an ok job and nothing great, where does shine here is if there is a lot of things happening during the game it doesn’t sound too fatiguing and due to the nature of its tuning it sound swell controlled. Although the not so big soundstage and imaging specially at this price point is meh. They are ok for casual gaming.

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Comparison & Recommendation:-

1. v/s 7hz Timeless AE – In Gizaudios recent video I said that one iem that I would like to own would be this and it still holds true. I love the big v this iem has and also the treble quality while having a big soundstage. S15 is a much relaxing listening and are very coherent overall across the range when compared to the AE.

2. v/s EA1000 – The ea1000 is harman done well. Its fantastic iem, but the ea1000 is quite a bit bright sounding when compared to the s15. If you are a treblehead ea1000 it is, if you are not one then the s15 makes a better purchase.

3. Now you might have seen my entire review, I speak about the shortcomings of the S15. During the starting of the review I also say that the ifi go blue, 5k and eq users to watch till end. Well here it is!

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4. When using the S15 with ifi go blu and using the xbass+xpsace mode of it. They make a perfect pair. I personally have been using the S15 like this with a thin kinera cable and the penon wide bore blue tips. It has been great!

5. The xbass adding a tad bit more to the sub-bass and the xspace improving the soundstage a bit of the S15 works wonders! They sound so good now. If you own a go blu I highly suggest giving the s15 a try or atleast demo them.

6. Now I havent used the 5k but I guess you can eq the 5k and use it in a similar manner too.

7. You could also eq and add a bit of sub-bass and extend the treble a bit.

9. I think so with a bit of eq these sound really really good.

10. I think so the s15 makes for a great relaxing listening iem. But it isnt an iem if you want a detail monster. This isnt an iem for trebleheads either. This is an iem for those who like a bit warmer sounding iem.

11. And the biggest complaint for me is the price, I have no idea why it is priced more than double than that of the s12 pro MSRP or more than triple of the s12 which is available for $100 now. I think the s15 is a good iem, but the price is a bit too high.

12. The price could be the only barrier in my opinion from stopping people to buy this iem. If this was priced at $250 I think so it would make a great set at $330 its a bit of stretch. I really do hope these go on sale soon, so that more people could give these a shot.

13. So thats my review of the S15. I hope you liked, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Letshuoer for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)
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Reactions: Colin5619


New Head-Fier
A budget microphone cable with a hidden trick up its sleeve
Pros: 1. Great price for the overall package ranging from $24-29

2. The boom mic included is quite nice for most situations

3. The cable isn't too stiff and is quite supple

4. Has a mute switch for the microphone, which if I am not wrong is the only cable too have it
Cons: 1. There is a clipping noise when enabling and disabling the mic via the switch
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Hello guys, today I will review the boom mic cable for celest ruyi. This is priced very well at a price of $29 and it regularly goes on sale for $23-25. This cable has a secret trick hidden up its sleeve so lets find out!

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

For this product i highly suggest watching my review on YouTube rather than reading it, as i show some of issues and features in the video which is a bit hard to express by writing in a review

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Kinera Website -

Kinera Aliexpress Store -

Find your local dealer here -

This was a review unit sent in by kinera, but all the thoughts and opinion you hear are my own.

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!

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1. So the packaging is quite simple and handsome. It comes with the cable, the omnidirectional boom mic, the foam cover for the mic, and my review sample also has the extra usb c to 3.5mm converter. This converter/ usb c dac is an extra $9.99 I suggest getting it as it quite nice for its price.

2. Now the cable has 2 pin and mmcx I have the one with 2 pin.

3. The boom mic is detachable and so is the foam cover for the mic.

4. The sound of the iem doesn’t change with cable.

5. The cable is a 2 core cable and the cable is quite soft and seems great for the price.

6. For the mic test please check my youtube video, its at the 1:16 mark

7. So that was the mic test of the celest ruyi. I think so it sounds quite good specially the for online gaming sessions and also video calling. Other party has had no issues with me using this mic.

8. But it being omnidirectional it does pick up background noise although if you point the mic towards you it seems to minimize that.

9. Now whats the secret hidden trick? Well it has a mute button!

10. I think so its quite a nice feature for video calls and online gaming as having a physical kill switch is very nice.

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11. it has a small drawback where it makes a noise when switching off the mic and switching on the mic.

12. I think so for the price it is a minor inconvenience.

13. The length of the cable is 150cm

14. It also has a play pause button volume up and down button and also can accept and reject call with the control button.

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15. The usb c to 3.5mm which is an extra $9.99 is quite good too and drove most iem quite well. It has a very neutral sound and has no issues driving iems like nova, fan2 etc. Although a bit hard to drive iem like the kara did sound meh.

16. I primarily used my simgot em6l with these and they made a great gaming pair.

17. So yeah that's my review of the celest ruyi I think so its quite great and the mute switch is really awesome and helped me out a lot. Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Kinera for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
Last edited:


New Head-Fier
A premium Carry/Storage case for your Audio collection
Pros: 1. The overall build quality is really premium

2. Protects your audio collection, as the entire case is hardshell

3. Modularity of the case is really good

4. Great durability as during my rough usage, there were no scratches
Cons: 1. The price is the only con I could think off
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Hey guys, today I have an interesting thing for review. Well its not an audio product directly, but it does help you in managing your audio collection or your collection of iems and dongle dacs.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

For this product i highly suggest watching my review on YouTube rather than reading it, as i show some of issues and features in the video which is a bit hard to express by writing in a review

So this is a storage/Travel bag for your audio collection and its the Kinera Fenrir.

This is a review unit from Hifigo, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

You can buy if here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Hifigo Website :-

Amazon US :-

Hifigo Aliexpress :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!

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1. This case was actually included for free if you pre-ordered the Kineral Imperial Loki. Which is a $3000 flagship iem from kinera.

2. Fenrir is a monster from Norse mythology, He was an offspring of loki. So you get now why this was included for me with the loki iem

3. The price of the storage bag is $89.

4. Also the fenrir comes with this nice suede pouch which is very soft and can be used to protect the bag if you so wish. Although I didn’t use it. Also you get a nice bag too with the fenrir, which has imperial loki written on it.

5. The outside of the bag is made of water resistant leather and nylon on the lower section. Now the bag isn't waterproof by any sense but if there is minor splashes it wont spoil the things inside the bag.

6. The inside of the case is lined with velvet so that it doesn’t scratch your iems and daps.

7. The dimensions of the case are 22.5cm x 17.6cm x 4.8cm

8. The handle is quite nice and thin although there are no cushions on it its comfortable to hold, but one thing I would like to say is when closing or opening everytime the thin section of lid or flap which is below the lid or flap does bend a bit and I am not quite sure how well it last long time.

9. So to mitigate this, when using opening or closing I highly suggest pressing the handle with your thumbs on left and right and flatten it a bit and then closing or opening the lid, so that the bottom thin section of the flap doesn’t bend too much over time and it doesn’t bend.

10. The magnets on the flaps are very strong and when the bag was packed I had no issues of it falling out from the sides. I was scare this might happen but nothing like that happened and to be honest I was quite surprised how well the bag held up. The magnets included are quite strong.

11. Now it has one long divider which divides the bag into two section. One for the DAP towards the left and towards the right it has space for your iems and cables.

12. Now towards the left the Dap section has elastic band which can hold the dap down while in transit. Now while I don’t have a large dap, but it did work very well with the ifi hip dac 3 and Hiby m300 stack

13. Now towards the right the top two are meant for your iems

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14. The bottom section is meant for your cables, dongle dacs, sets of eartips.

15. Now I personally am not using the stock setup. I will post a picture of the stock setup, so that you get an idea. I have removed the small dividers which divide the upper sections and the lower sections. That way I get more space for my stuff.

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16. The way I organise isn't the most pretty way, but it hold a lot more stuff

17. Even when overpacked like I am, the bag does extremely well and it doesn’t fall out when walking the lid stays put. Off course I wont suggest violently shaking it or running with it.

18. Now this bag is awesome and a great way to store your collection of your iems, dacs and daps. But it has one big con

19. And that big con is the price.

20. I know you generally pay for quality but the MSRP is a tad bit expensive in my opinion.

21. While still expensive I think so you get your moneys worth and its very durable and will last a long time.

22. So if you want a great premium looking storage case for your iem, dap, dongle dacs, cables and eartips collection. This makes a great buy, cant suggest enough of this.

23. Also they are very durable! I haven’t been babying them at all and they have been really solid

23. So thats my review of the Kinera fenrir. Thanks for stopping by for my review!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Hifigo for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
Last edited:


New Head-Fier
One of the best budget Iem's? (v/s Moondrop Chu 2, Simgot EW200, Artti R1)
Pros: 1. A great alternative for those who don't like the ew200

2. The amount of accessories! It puts some $200+ iem's to shame

3. The price, it can be bought for as low as $25 sometimes

4. Selection of tuning nozzle is really good and it works unlike some iems

5. The supplied case is really good and sturdy
Cons: 1. The black nozzle is too shouty

2. Shell is a fingerprint magnet

3. Would have been nice if it was two pin rather than qdc (nit pick)
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Its the TRN Conch we will look at today. This is a fantastic iem which sounds quite good and comes with a great accessory package and costs only $38 or a whopping $25 during a sale which it frequently goes at.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This was a review unit sent in Shenzhen audio, all the thoughts and opinion you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (unaffiliated link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

So lets get started!


Build Quality, Comfort and accessories:-

1. So the package is loaded with accessory. It comes with an iem, the qdc cable which has modular terminations, a trn metal case, a set of trn t tips, a single set of trn foam tips, a set of generic white tips, a set of generic black eartips, It also has 3 interchangeable nozzles.

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2. That's a lot at its MSRP price point and unheard of at its sale price!

3. They are really comfortable to wear and can be worn for long period of time without any issues.

4. The cable is quite nice and supple and goes quite well with other similar iems.

5. It comes with a single 10mm dynamic driver.

6. The provided TRN t tips, the cable, the metal case provided is provide if bought separately is worth around $25. So the value of the package is great!

7. The shell is quite of a fingerprint magnet.

9. I really love the metal case provided it protects the iem, although there is a place for a small usb c dongle you cannot store a big dongle inside with an iem.

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Sound Impressions:-

1. Well there are 3 nozzles and the black nozzle, the blue nozzle and the Red nozzle. You can check the graph now.

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2. For my testing purposes I found the red nozzle to suite my taste the best and I will be using that for my review.

3. Well using the red nozzle it has U shaped sound signature.

4. The overall tone and timbre is quite nice.

5. They are very easy to drive with smartphones.

6. I will be using the Hiby FC6, Fiio BTR5, IFI Hip Dac 3, IFI Go Blu, Colorfly CDA M1, Colorlfy CDA M2, Muse Hifi M4, Fosi Audio N3, Aune Yuki, Hiby M300, Akliam PD4 Plus, Kinera Usb C dongle dac, Razer Usb c dongle dac & My smartphone


1. The overall bass is quite good and impactful

2. The sub-bass is a bit more forward over the mid-bass

3. While the overall bass quantity is quite good, in some songs like crack crack crackle by classy it does lack a bit of that thump and punch.

4. When listening to waltz by sunny, the bass and the overall transition is quite nice. But the clarity of the bass felt a bit off sometimes.

5. The instrument from casiopea is quite decent but it does sound a bit lost sometimes specially when there is a lot happening. Although this can be seen as a nitpick for this price point.


1. The mids here in general take a back seat specially if its a male vocals

2. Vocals from Chris Cornell and bill withers might lack a bit of that richness and thickness while they take a back seat.

3. Female vocals takes the front seat over the male vocals, but the upper mids here isn't over powering at all.

4. It does a very good job sounding controlled here.


1. While the other two nozzle gives too much of it and doesn’t balances with the upper mids

2. The red nozzle gives a decently controlled treble here one that might not seem offensive here

3. This inoffensiveness of the treble might cause some issues, specially if you are someone who enjoys the bright shimmery flavour. But then again you can change the nozzle and have it your way.

4. This nozzle does quite a good enough job for appealing to those people who are treble sensitive while providing a good deal of treble.


They are quite average and are ok for the price range. If you use the other nozzle they are very detail focused and has that fake sensation of detail but I feel that the red one does a good job of having some detail while being inoffensive in other regions of the song.

Soundstage & Imaging:-

The soundstage is meh, ok bang average for the price. It has a small ball around your head. Now if you are like me who likes a super massive soundstage you might be a bit disappointed but if you like that cramped in ear soundstage then this is quite good. Imaging is bang average too with decent left to right and vice versa while transition.

Gaming Test:-

For casual gaming they do an ok job, but in my opinion there are better contenders out there for that. At the similar price range. Although one thing it does it quite well is that it never gets fatiguing if you are having the red nozzle.


Comparison & Recommendation:-

1. v/s the chu 2 – The trn conch is a clear winner here, as it comes with a fantastic set of and also the overall sound with red nozzle is quite consumer friendly. But in terms of details the slight edge goes to the chu 2 here.

2. v/s Simgot ew200 – If you want a better bass texture and better clarity whilst having great imaging and better gaming performance then the ew200 is a better option. But the conch has more bass and has more amount of accessory than the EW200.

3. v/s Arrti R1 – The r1 is better in every aspect but it is quite a bit expensive in price too. If you want to get an idea how the R1 sounds then this is a good iem.

4. Overall I love the trn conch. The tuning with the red filter is something which will be preferred by more people due to its amount of bass and not being so sensitive up in the treble region.

5. At its full price its a good deal too and is a good alternative to the ew200, but if you can get it for under $30 or $25 I think so this is a no brainer. Yes It does lack a bit of refinement overall, but I still think its a great buy specially if its your first iem.

6. So that was my review, i hope you liked it. Thanks for stopping by for my review!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Shenzhen Audio for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)


New Head-Fier
The best budget dongle DAC (An upgrade to your ever so popular Apple dongle DAC)
Pros: 1. The price of $25-29 is fantastic

2. Heaps of power for running most iems and even some headphones.

3. The cable is braided

4. The overall tone and tonality is very good

5. Probably the best budget dongle DAC
Cons: 1. I had issues with Max volume which fixed itself (although this happened only with me, and not with others)

2. The latest version of app removed the volume control (As of this review)


Hey guys, today I will be reviewing the Fiio KA11. Its a new budget dongle from fiio.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This was a review unit sent in by fiio, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets start!



1. So consider this an upgrade from the apple dongle.

2. Before I start the review I want to say that I did have a minor issue with the dongle where in the volume as suddenly maxed out and it almost blew my eardrums. But it seems to have been fixed by itself for some reason as I don’t see it happening now and I have spoken to others who has this they too didn’t face this issue. I guess I was the only one, although I have let fiio know about it.

3. If you are using UAPP I highly suggest enabling the option force volume sync under volume and then disconnect the dac and plug it again.



4. Lets talk about the dac in detail now

5. The price of Fiio KA11 is $30 and as of reviewing you can get it for $23-25 for sale


5. These have a CS43131 dac chip along with the Op-Amp SGM8262. It has an output impedance of less than 0.7ohms.


6. It supports upto 32bit 384khz and upto DSD256

7. It can supplies upto 200mw of power at 32ohms from its single 3.5mm jack, now this is the main selling point of this dac

8. Sadly no ADC control and that means no mic is supported here. This would have been an awesome feature to add to this dac as mostly it will be used by mobile users.

9. The cable of the KA11 is braided and is very nice.

10. Now it has an app, called the Fiio control app. Inside the app you can select the UAC modes, selecting turning on and off the indicator lights, selecting the filter modes and also controlling the inner volume of the dac.

(Screenshots shown are from the version 3.18, the latest version of the app as of this review is version 3.19. The version 3.19 doesn't have the internal volume slider)



11. Now as of making this review the latest version of the app has removed the internal volume slider of the dac. But I am using an older version of the dac which lets me control the internal volume of the dac.

12. I am using the v3.18 of the app because this has the volume control, if you want this version of the app please do comment below I can share it there.

13. Now why is this volume control feature important, well unlike most popular dongle dacs which as independent volume and a physical volume button. The fiio ka11 lacks and that is for all the right reasons

14. So lets say you are using it on a smartphone and the volume step jump is too high, then you have higher volume jumps in your ka11 too. But with the app this could be mitigated as you could set the internal volume of the dac to lets say 25/50 or 30/50 and that way you when you use it on a smartphone or any other devices where the volume step jump is high the increase in volume is more linear.

15. Sorry if its a bit complicated. But I hope you got my point, if you still have any doubts you can comment below.

16. With the UAC 1.0 mode you can use it with your PS5, Nintendo Switch etc. But it needs to be switched one first from the fiio control app.

17. Also the app is very buggy a usual. As of this review the app has connecting issues to the KA11 I have to connect and reconnect couple of times sometimes.

18. I have used the No oversampling filter for the review, I found no difference when using the other filters.

19.Now before talking about the sound, I want to mention that its very hard to talk about it and it depends heavily on your personal preference, the iems you are using and also a-b ing it with other dacs.

20. Now talking about the sound. It is fantastic!

21. The overall sound of the fiio ka11 is warm and very luscious.


22. The bass has this slight tinge of boost here without any major colouration here. For lean sounding iems it does give a nice slight kick to it without changing the sound much at all.

23. The mids might have a tinge of boost, where in they sound a bit fuller and thicker. But the female vocals sounds a bit recessed.

24. The treble too stays controlled

25. But the sharpness of the notes is a bit blunted, and this makes it really enjoyable to listen to for longer sessions

26. The fiio KA11 pairs excellently with brighter sounding iems.

27. It paired well with all my iems very well, and it even drove my very hard to drive tanchjim kara very well.

28. Now comparing it with the apple dongle dac. I don’t have it with me as of now, but I did test it when I borrowed it from my friend

29. The fiio ka11 beats it in every aspect. Period!

30. The fiio sounds fuller, richer and pairs very well with most iems.

31. Even if you are someone who wont be noticing about the sound quality upgrade of the fiio ka11 from the apple dongle, I think so the build quality upgrade alone when compared to the frail apple dongle is worth a shot.

32. Because the apple dongle is very much prone to breakage over the time, but the braided cable of the fiio ka11 does give me a lot of confidence.

33. Now even though when my initial experience with the fiio dongle dac was very bad due to the max volume issue. But after it was fixed, I cannot gush over enough this budget dongle dac.

34. What would be nice if there were EQ options inside the app which I guess could be added via an update. And also a USB-C to USB-A adapter inside the box would have been a nice addition.

35. So yeah thats my review of the KA11. Please do comment if you have any doubts or questions. Thanks for stopping by, have a great day ahead! Bye!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Fiio for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
Last edited:
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New Head-Fier
The not so AFUL Dong
Pros: 1. The over sound is very neutral yet not harsh

2. The supplied cable is awesome (one of the beat cable I have come acrossed)

3, A good amount of volume steps for granular controls
Cons: 1. The competition has heated with the simgot DEW4X and other similar dongle DACs

2. No USB C to USB A converter inside the box


Hey, Today its a snowy night I mean the snowy night.

Hello everyone, today we have the Aful Snowy night in for review. Its the first dongle from Aful, so lets see how it is.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit sent in from Hifigo, but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it below (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Amazon US:

Amazon JP:



I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets start!



1. Well the packaging of it is very simple. It comes with the dac and a thick and nice usb c cable, Sadly no usb c to usb a converter inside the box.

2. The design of the cable is really nice, its thick and braided also this thick usb c chrome plated usb c endings. According to Aful its a high-purity 6N Single-Crystal copper material

3. The retail price of the aful snowy night is the $109

4. It comes with dual CS43198 dac chip

5. Although the exact power numbers aren't supplied anywhere, But it can supply from 140mw to 300mw. I Would assume 300mw is the highest power which can be supplied at high gain from the 4.4mm

6. The design of the dac is really simple and it looks really industrial.

7. It just has two volume buttons and double pressing that volume buttons together toggles between low and high gain mode.

8. You have UAC 1.0 and UAC 2.0 mode. They can be accessed by pressing the volume + button and connecting it to the device. There is a red blinking light and it stops blinking when the connection is done, this is great for devices like PS5, Nintendo switch etc.

9. It supports upto 32bit/768khz PCM and DSD256.

10. There are also 5 basic filters which can be accessed by pressing the Volume+/- button together for 1 second. I tried these, but never really noticed any difference. I just stayed at the stock setting which came in for the review.

11. Although aful doesn’t mention the volume steps, I found it to be around 61 steps

12. The aful snowy night is pretty ok when it comes to drive iems, but when driving the tanchjim kara via the 3.5mm stock cable. I had to use the high gain mode and almost be at around 50/61 steps to get a comfortable listening experience

13. As for the battery life the when playing the moondrop chu 2 at around 30% volume via the 3.5mm at low gain mode. I get around 13.5 hours from a 5000mah battery phone

14. Now before talking about the sound, I want to mention that its very hard to talk about it and it depends heavily on your personal preference, the iems you are using and also a-b ing it with other dacs.

15. The Snowy night offers a very neutral performance when it comes to the overall sound performance.

16. The overall clarity of the dongle is really good. And any colouration you hear is from the iem you are wearing or any eq from the app or music player you are using.

17. Although I want to say that, when I mean neutral while it does do a good job it isnt the cleanest our there. But for the price range it does a very good job.

18. The bass and mids are very neutral with no colouration whatsoever.

19. The treble while very linear too doesn’t have a harsher edge but they are softened up a bit, this makes it great for pairing it with harsher sounding iems

20. The imaging and soundstage stays the same and it completely depends on the iem or headphones you are wearing.

21. The tone of the timbre from it is really good and stays natural.

22.There is no background hiss that I heard of. Even the most sensitive iems like the fan 2 and nova stayed fine here.

23. Talking about the LED lights in the dongle dac, while they are good addition. They are quite flashy when on use and are quite bright when used at night.

24. I think so for the price they are good buy. But as for comparison with other CS43198 dongles I will make another video On my youtube channel where in I will talk about them in detail so that you get a good idea as to where each of the CS43198 dongles stand and what is the best for you and which one should you pick.

24. So thats my review of the Aful snowy night, if you are looking for neutral dongle with a bit of bluntness of the treble at around $100 these make a good buy and you wont certainly wont be disappointed.

25. Thanks for stopping by for my review.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to HifiGo for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :) Bye!
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New Head-Fier
The smallest dong
Pros: 1. Very small size (probably the smallest dong out there)

2. Fantastic battery life

3. A good balance between sounding warm and neutral

4. The price

5. Great simple packaging which includes all the accessories
Cons: 1. Will have problem driving very hard to drive iems (Probably the only con for me)
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Hey today I will be an unique product from simgot. A dac from simgot, although they have had dacs in china and some in International market too. This is the Dew4x

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from SIMGOT and all the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Buy it here (unaffiliated link) :-

Amazon US :-

Amazon UK :-

Aliexpress :-

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

So lets start the review

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1. It is priced at around $79 and it comes with the dual CS43198 dac chip which is the same dac chip as the one in Aune Yuki, moonriver 2 and the truthear shio.

2. The box is really simple, it has the twitter x logo on it, the dac, usb c cable and usb c to a converter for pc. Very simple and effective packaging

3. The Dac is very small and light, I think so it is one of the few dongle dacs which I can attach to the usb c port and use it while it dangles as it is very light.

4. It has 30 volume steps and also the high and low gain can be accessed by pressing the volume + and – at same time.

Volume graph of the DEW4X -

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5. I will leave the power specs here so that you can read it.

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6. the led light is a bit muted which I personally like. Although some might have a bit of a hard time to read it.

7. There are no filters here.

8. As for power they are a bit weak and required a significant volume boost to listen to my tanchjim kara.

9. But this less power comes at a boost of battery life which when played through the 3.5mm and low gain is very good.

10. As for the sound it is very neutral with a tinge of warmness.

11. Again the dongle cannot be judged in its own and it can be only as good as the iem you are pairing.

12. The bass and the mids are very neutral with no colouration whatsoever.

13. The treble is very neutral too but the overall edginess of treble when listening to iems like timeless ae and ea1000 those are rounded of a bit.

14. The soundstage and imaging is very wide, very precise and reproduces it very well with all my iems.

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15. The tonality and timbre of the dongle is very good.

16. It is not the best in details as aune yuki, hiby fc6. Muse hifi m4 does well in that aspect. But then again the yuki and fc6 is quite more expensive and the m4 could cbe considered bright by some.

17. The battery life I got with these were insane rated at around 17 hours! I played it via the 3.5mm low gain at aorund 30% volume with the moondrop chu 2

18. It has got good amount of technicalities without sounding too Piercy.

19. It also support inline mic controls but not the mic of an iem.
I mistakenly wrote this. Sorry 😅

20. Overall for $80 I think they are a great purchase for a dongle, If you wanted a neutral dongle but with a tinge of warm sound this does a good job at that.

21. One of the big advantage of the dew4x is that it is very small but performs very well and also the battery backup is a great advantage of this dongle.

22. So that was my review, i hope you liked it.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day ahead! Bye!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to SIMGOT for making this review happen.

Have a great day ahead :)
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Hello, sorry I mistakenly wrote that I fixed it now.

Should update my other reviews too 😅

Thank you for spotting it.
Infact it doesn't work with mic or inline commands. I guess wrong specifications
No it doesn't sadly most dongle DACs avoid the ADC.